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Accordance 14 Sneak Peek #7: Accordance CLOUD!


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1 minute ago, Nathan Parker said:


@Michael Hunt I went ahead and pre-ordered even though I “may” qualify for a free copy of 14 (as a future beta tester) just to support development of 14, as I’m really excited about 14! I don’t need any perks for getting in early.


I did exactly the same. Compared to what I have spent elsewhere Accordance has returned much more than I have monetarily put in.

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44 minutes ago, Pastor Jonathan said:

If I am understanding this, will I be able to delete the virtual machine? If I am understanding, yes. I can delete my VM and still use it.


I like to use accordance offline as well, so I will for sure keep my VM. And I guess we will find out eventually if the features would even replace a full version of accordance, or where the limits will be at.

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It is a great offer. I’m glad Accordance is still offering it. It’s going to be the best deal on Bible software until Accordance 15.

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37 minutes ago, Nathan Parker said:

I think what @Kristin wants is a way to access her Accordance Books via web browser but keep her user data locally and not synced with the cloud. I’m going to give any future Accordance sync a try, since it should be way more robust than Dropbox (I’ve already ditched Dropbox and just staying put until Accordance releases something).


Hi @Nathan Parker,

Just to clarify, I had actually been asking for the ability to just flat out turn it off. In part because I work with confidential data and in part since I am frankly still having highlight corruption issues and adding another variable such as syncing really spooks me. I think your idea of being able to access purchased books without personal data such as notes and highlights etc being synced is intriguing, and I would be ok with that. I do want to say though, that I think it is great that Accordance is offering this, if it is optional, as I can see a lot of people would benefit from it, and I think it sounds far superior to the current Dropbox option (which does have the plus that it is optional and can be turned off in settings).

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@Nathan Parker and @Schulschlus,


I appreciate the thoughts. Yes, I will keep it just in case, but wow it will be nice to not have to fire it up all the time.


I am not sure what limits it may have but if I can access my resources, do Greek and Hebrew word and Key number search and do a full search on all my resources with live click, I am good with that as that is all I really do now.


Maybe I am not using it to its Max potential? 

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4 minutes ago, Pastor Jonathan said:

Maybe I am not using it to its Max potential? 


I don't think any of us are actually using Accordance to its max potential. :)

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@KristinI can see where not syncing sensitive files would be important to you. Something no Bible software has done yet (I wonder if there’s ever a way to pull this off) would be to mark some user files as “sensitive” so they aren’t synced with the cloud, or at least a way to exclude certain files from syncing. That way one could have most files synced with the cloud, but exclude ones that shouldn’t be synced.


@Pastor JonathanYeah, you won’t have to fire up the VM to read Accordance modules and do general searches. Since Accordance hasn’t released all the features with Accordance Cloud yet, I’m not sure if Live Click and some of the search options are there, but I guess we’ll wait and see.


I’m probably not using Accordance to its max potential yet either. I’m watching at least one webinar recording a week to take the time to learn about an Accordance feature I may not be using enough. Until Accordance ships a version of it optimized for FRONTIER, I likely won’t be using it to its max potential. 🙂 https://dnyuz.com/2022/05/30/amd-powers-the-worlds-most-powerful-supercomputer/ 

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@Kristin & @Nathan Parker,


I am glad to know I am not missing something.


My searches are basic enough in some ways but advanced in others.


Still haven't figured out the statistical stuff completely. 


Either way, if this can do what I use Blue Letter Bible and Bible Gateway for, that is at least equal and solid.


Since I.can save my notes on something not DropBox, That is even better. I have a lot of notes but because I don't use DB, this may be the ticket. 

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I think there are webinars on their archives of searching and analytics. I’ve been trying to watch some of those to buck up on my searching skills.

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My primary machine is an M1 MacBook Air with a 256GB SSD. I'm having fun seeing how much I can do in the cloud. There's a certain freedom in knowing that if my computer was ever stolen, lost, or destroyed, I could be up and running in minutes simply by accessing a new machine. Right now, Accordance is taking (By far!) the most amount of space on my SSD. 


Edited by Mark Allison
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12 hours ago, calton said:

So you are Beta Testing Accordance 14...

I was an early alpha tester. At this point, I have the same tester status as the rest of you! 

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Bless all who made this happen! That eases using linux quite a bit.

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  • 4 weeks later...

The release date is literally at the end of the year. So it seems!

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I was under the impression that the release date was going to be released any day now per R.Mansfield's response in another thread.

Screenshot 2022-11-18 234853.jpg

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Oh, you know, programmers.


If I remember correctly, someone writing for The Rational Edge (?) many years ago under the pseudonym "The Curmudgeon" once commented about forecasting, saying that it tends to get better the closer you get to the release date. There's always some fudge factor (delays or speedups in development), with a larger fudge factor when it's further from release. He used the square root of the days-to-release as a heuristic. For example, sqrt(100) = 10 and sqrt(36) = 6. So when the estimate is 100 days to release, allow 10 days extra. Once it gets to 36 days to release, you only need to allow 6 days extra.


The problem, as you might have already worked out, is that when you get to one day before release, you allow sqrt(1) = 1 extra day. Of course, that makes the next day the new 1-day-to-release, so you allow another day. And another. It's procrastination distilled to mathematical precision.


Now, fudge factors are always "plus or minus", not just "plus", so maybe one day the manager asks if the software is finally ready for release, and the programmer replies, "Yes, it was ready yesterday." This is the preferred response, recalling the famous "I want it yesterday!"


Anyway, let's give them a bit of space. Waiting with bated breath and breathing down their necks can be an overwhelming combination.


Category: humour

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Does this imply a syncing with a cloud other than DropBox?


Nevermind. I caught the comment above about the current plan to roll out an alternative in the near future.

Edited by TXCiclista
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Patiently looking forward to 14, but my 13.x is excellent so I'm not suffering!

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Don’t forget that Accordance Cloud and the new syncing will release sometime after Accordance 14. Accordance 14 will come first, then when Accordance is ready to release the other two, they’ll come later.


It seems we’ll be getting our Christmas gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh from the Magi in stages. 🙂 

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On 10/14/2022 at 9:36 AM, Pastor Jonathan said:

This will be awesome for us we who are using Linux!

Yes, this is a really great point! Actually, now regardless of what OS or platform one is using as long as one has internet access and a browser one will be able to use Accordance.

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On 10/14/2022 at 5:24 AM, Kristin said:

confidential information

There are international laws governing data and PII privacy. I'd love to see which Accordance will comply to?

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Will the Library cleanup and uninstalled packages I make in my desktop application be able to be synced to the Web version; I'd hate to lose all my work carefully selecting what material I prefer and what I exclude, and do not want to rely on Groups alone?

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On privacy, I'm not sure on any details, but my guess is Accordance will examine the various laws and take what is necessary into consideration to protect customer data. I trust their judgment on it. 


On syncing, I don't think Accordance has released any specifics. i definitely that library organization syncing works across desktop, mobile, and cloud. It has been one major sticking point that has held back unleashing my Accordance productivity to its fullest. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

What happened to this feature? I pre-ordered Accordance 14 because of this. I see it's been released, but I can't see how to access Accordance in the Cloud…

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10 minutes ago, David Purton said:

What happened to this feature? I pre-ordered Accordance 14 because of this. I see it's been released, but I can't see how to access Accordance in the Cloud…


Rick's initial email simply said "later this year". I have not heard any specific timelines or hint of timelines about the cloud version of Accordance. Frankly, with the programmers so busy just getting the actual version 14 in tighter shape, I would be surprised if "this year" actually means 2022 on this feature. But then again version 14 appeared with great suddenness, so we really don't know.

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