Thank you for subscribing to the Accordance Forums. This message board is intended as a forum for Accordance users and those interested in Accordance to share their experiences, voice their opinions, get their questions answered, receive update information, and otherwise enhance their use of Accordance. We hope this board will be of great benefit to you, and we look forward to your contributions.
Accordance users comprise a very diverse group of people. This group includes people from all walks of life: students, scholars, rabbis, priests, ministers, missionaries, "laypeople," -- you name it. This group also includes members of various religious groups and theological traditions. In order to promote meaningful discussion about Accordance among such a diverse group of people, we do ask that you follow these guidelines whenever you post a message to the Forums.
Use the Search feature to see if your topic has already been discussed. If there is a recent topic on the subject, feel free to add your questions or comment to it. If the topic is old but you want to raise it again, please start a new topic in the appropriate Forum.
We encourage you to discuss Accordance features, to share tips and tricks for getting the most out of Accordance, to help solve one another's technical problems, to offer constructive criticism for how the program could be improved, to list features and texts you would like to see made available, and to discuss any aspect of Accordance use which may be of interest to other users.
Discussion of biblical interpretation, points of theology, and personal beliefs is inappropriate for this board, as are personal or non-Accordance-related announcements, sale of Accordance licenses, and off-topic requests. While we encourage such interchange, we ask that you discuss these issues privately, rather than using the public sections of the Forums.
Content directly attacking the character of a person or group, publicly or privately, is prohibited, as are argumentative or inflammatory posts (i.e. trolling), political statements, and cultural commentary.
We do not prohibit occasional references to competing Bible software platforms, but please refrain from hyperlinking or posting material promoting competitors’ products.
Excerpts of Accordance modules are allowed but should be limited to under 2,000 words. We reserve the right to protect the rights of the publishers by editing long excerpts.