Recent Topics
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- Check this thread for updates on Enhanced Syncing
- By John Fidel,
- 646
- posts
- Webinar Spotlight: Using Accordance to Keep (not Lose) your Hebrew and Greek
- By Dr. Nathan Parker,
- 1
- post
- 2
- posts
- ZECNT modules get an update
- By Iconoclaste,
Accordance Discussions
- 36.9k
- posts
- Move Tools, Notes etc. to New Computer
- By Dr. Nathan Parker,
- 15.7k
- posts
- Services Acc - Insert verses from any text not working with Sequoia 15.1 update
- By Dr. Nathan Parker,
- 10.9k
- posts
- Decker Reading Koine Greek Issue with Typing Greek
- By Louis Lapides,
- 5.4k
- posts
- HMT-W4 errors in Job
- By Gary Raynor,
- 8.7k
- posts
- 1.6k
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- Audio not playing in Accordance for Android
- By Dr. Nathan Parker,
- 10.1k
- posts
- Phraseology/Formulations
- By Frantz Menelas,
- 977
- posts
- A daily Dose of Greek ( Matthew 11:12 )
- By Brian K. Mitchell,
- 1.7k
- posts
- Exporting syntax diagrams into Word
- By Krishcomments,
- 13.8k
- posts
- Amplify to Alternate Lexicon
- By Dr. Nathan Parker,
- 9.7k
- posts
- New Volumes in the ZECOT and ZECNT Series (Zondervan Academic)
- By Stan McGehee,
- 336
- posts
- Previous Greek Translation webinars with A K Jones
- By Abram K-J,
- 601
- posts
- Accordance iOS on Rejoice in the Lord
- By Dr. Nathan Parker,
- 1.3k
- posts
- Lighting the Lamp Podcasts
- By Tony Lawrence,
- 1.1k
- posts
- Pillar New Testament Commentary
- By GYDOF1729,
Spanish Forums/Foros en español
- 115
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- Recursos en español para estudiar las Escrituras
- By Brian K. Mitchell,
- 54
- posts
- Acerca de Ayuda y resolución de problemas
- By Dr. Nathan Parker,
- 3.1k
- posts
- Best photo and vector graphic editor for the Apple M chip series?
- By Brian K. Mitchell,
- 562
- posts
- Microsoft Office vs Alternatives
- By Dr. Nathan Parker,
- 815
- posts
- Synchronization & Cloud
- By Christopher Smith,