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Accordance 14 Sneak Peek #7: Accordance CLOUD!


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This is the #1 feature I was hoping for. My only computer is an M1 MacBook Air with a 256GB SSD, and having all my resources available in the cloud would have been awesome. 

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Wow. Great announcement to wake up to this morning!

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My guess is they’ll need a little more time on it (if it gets pushed back to 2023, I’m still OK waiting for it). Resolving the launch day issues with Accordance 14 itself is likely their top priority at the moment, plus they’re probably going to want to spend more time on Cloud to ensure it’ll be solid before they release it.


I’m still excited about Cloud, but I’m willing to wait for a great experience.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Unfortunately Accordance promised but did not deliver the CLOUD which was one of the main reasons for updating to v14.  

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8 minutes ago, Gedalya said:

Unfortunately Accordance promised but did not deliver the CLOUD which was one of the main reasons for updating to v14.  


"Unfortunately Accordance promised but did not deliver has not yet delivered the CLOUD which was one of the main reasons for updating to v14"


I remain confident that this will be coming sooner rather than later.

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I would imagine that OakTree has learned that it’s better to release when the product is stable, rather than try to keep a promise about a release date.

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In fairness, they did say that it would be a later addition. 

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40 minutes ago, Paul Meiklejohn said:

In fairness, they did say that it would be a later addition. 


In complete fairness, the opening quote in this very thread by an employee said it would be released "later this year" in 2022.  Trust me when I say that I would rather them wait until the end of 2023 than release before it's stable :D — but this is the reason why software companies generally NEVER release a date until the software is gold master / ready to release.  

Edited by Rich
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1 hour ago, Rich said:


In complete fairness, the opening quote in this very thread by an employee said it would be released "later this year" in 2022.  Trust me when I say that I would rather them wait until the end of 2023 than release before it's stable :D — but this is the reason why software companies generally NEVER release a date until the software is gold master / ready to release.  

Amen. Please give us a stable Accordance 14.x for desktop before the cloud version.

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I have an email into my marketing manager to get some clarification on this. My current understanding is resolving some of the “launch day issues” in Accordance 14 Desktop has taken priority over finishing up development on Accordance Cloud. Additionally, we’ll want to put both Accordance Cloud and improved syncing through a beta program and fully test them before we release them into the wild.


I’m confident both will surface in 2023, but after rushing to get Accordance 14 out the door, we’re not going to make the same mistake again. We’re going to take the necessary time to ensure both Accordance 14 Desktop is solid and Accordance Cloud and improved syncing are solid before we release anything.

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1 hour ago, Nathan Parker said:

I’m confident both will surface in 2023, but after rushing to get Accordance 14 out the door, we’re not going to make the same mistake again. We’re going to take the necessary time to ensure both Accordance 14 Desktop is solid and Accordance Cloud and improved syncing are solid before we release anything.


Solid desktop and long overdue improvements to iOS and Android please... before Cloud.

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For this worried that accordance is going to spend time working on a cloud option before fixing 14, don't worry. I am just a user so I have no internal info, but that's a feature that's been promised as coming for a LOOOOONGG time and so I for on cam not going to hold my breath.


I'd like to know if ANYONE at Accordance is even working on Android or iOS at this time.

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They are, and mobile is also going to be more of a focus moving forward.

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I’ll be sitting in some of the meetings with developers over the next few weeks to gain some additional specifics and to determine what else I need to clarify to users on the forums on upcoming Accordance updates, but I have had a few phone conversations with marketing. Both Accordance Cloud and syncing enhancements are still in the works. Rest assured customers will still be seeing both of these. Both were pushed back somewhat due to resolving the issues with Accordance 14. Syncing enhancements seems to be making good progress, although I’ll have more to report later. Cloud will still happen, although we’re still prioritizing resolving remaining issues with Accordance 14 first. 


I’ll try to be in as many meetings with developers and marketing as possible and communicate updates to the forums regularly. In the meantime, continue to keep the feedback coming. 

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14 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

I’ll try to be in as many meetings with developers and marketing as possible and communicate updates to the forums regularly. In the meantime, continue to keep the feedback coming. 

Nathan, this is all very reassuring.  It’s already obvious you want to give the users good clear communication.  Well done and thank you. 

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  • 3 months later...

While I fully understand bugs need to be fixed, it's all a bit disappointing.

For me the major selling point was cloud. Even if the only difference between v13 and v14 would have been cloud, I would have upgraded.

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This is fantastic news.

Any idea when there will be an upgrade from Accordance 14.0.4? I am really looking forward to it.

Thank you for all the great work.

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On 1/9/2023 at 12:06 PM, Nathan Parker said:

I’ll be sitting in some of the meetings with developers over the next few weeks to gain some additional specifics and to determine what else I need to clarify to users on the forums on upcoming Accordance updates, but I have had a few phone conversations with marketing. Both Accordance Cloud and syncing enhancements are still in the works. Rest assured customers will still be seeing both of these. Both were pushed back somewhat due to resolving the issues with Accordance 14. Syncing enhancements seems to be making good progress, although I’ll have more to report later. Cloud will still happen, although we’re still prioritizing resolving remaining issues with Accordance 14 first. 


I’ll try to be in as many meetings with developers and marketing as possible and communicate updates to the forums regularly. In the meantime, continue to keep the feedback coming. 


Thanks for the update.

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We’re hoping to deliver 14.0.5 around the end of the month if all goes well, although I won’t give a specific release date in case we need to be flexible.


Accordance Cloud is still under development, but we don’t have an ETA on a release date yet due to our prioritizing Accordance Desktop. As we get closer to a beta, we’ll let you all know. Enhanced syncing progress is doing well, and after we release 14.0.5, we’ll be one great step closer.

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Is 14.0.5 fixing the Info Pane disaster !!??


Change texts every time I open Accordance is exhausting

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@danielcutri Have you reported this under “Bug Swatters”?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I’ve had a chance to begin playing with a very early build of Accordance Cloud today. I’m using my personal library login so I can test it as a customer would experience it. I’m going to play with it more over the weekend. I can open modules, perform searches, etc. It’s been functional for me with the exception of a few minor bugs, and I like what I see so far. We’re still not going to release a customer beta of Cloud yet (we need to perform much more thorough internal testing), and I won’t publicly release any screenshots yet until I get approval from the powers that be, but I can say that we’re making tangible progress on it.

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12 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

I’ve had a chance to begin playing with a very early build of Accordance Cloud today. I’m using my personal library login so I can test it as a customer would experience it. I’m going to play with it more over the weekend. I can open modules, perform searches, etc. It’s been functional for me with the exception of a few minor bugs, and I like what I see so far. We’re still not going to release a customer beta of Cloud yet (we need to perform much more thorough internal testing), and I won’t publicly release any screenshots yet until I get approval from the powers that be, but I can say that we’re making tangible progress on it.


That sounds promising.


I'd imagine that user tools/notes/etc would be the hardest thing to coordinate for the cloud version. If we exclude those items, does everything else work exactly the same on the cloud as on the desktop? I'm wondering about Greek (and Hebrew) searches, construct searching, linked-window searches, etc. What about copying-as-citation?


If we now look at user data, is there any that can sync between cloud and desktop? E.g. highlighting and notes.

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