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Does Accordance Have a Web App?


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3 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

32 vs 64 Bit won’t make a difference since CrossOver can do 32 Bir or 64 Bit bottles. 32 Bit is even more reliable at times since 64 Bit is still a work in progress with WINE and CrossOver (some stuff runs, but not everything runs flawlessly). Most of the apps I’ll be running on CrossOver are likely 32 Bit anyway. The current version of Accordance is enough for me to try to get it working without them needing to undertake any major code changes. 


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I wish accordance would invest in Linux as well. I recently switched over, and seeing where the other two big companies are going, linux might be a good investment for the future. At least show some support in providing help for wine/crossover functionality. In my opinion, this shouldn't need to be done by the users who have no information as to how accordance works, but would be more efficiently done by those who are part of writing the software.

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33 minutes ago, Schulschlus said:

I wish accordance would invest in Linux as well. I recently switched over, and seeing where the other two big companies are going, linux might be a good investment for the future. At least show some support in providing help for wine/crossover functionality. In my opinion, this shouldn't need to be done by the users who have no information as to how accordance works, but would be more efficiently done by those who are part of writing the software.

 @R. Mansfield gave a good summary of some of the issues surrounding Linux development earlier in this thread:

"If you're asking why we don't jump in and create a Linux version, it's simple economics: not enough demand. I know it's a chicken and egg thing because perhaps we'd get more users if we offered a Linux version, but that's not a guarantee. It'd be one thing if we had hundreds or even thousands of users requesting a Linux version. But we have a dozen or two.

So what it means is that we'd have to either hire new developers or pull developers from current projects to make that happen. Then we'd also have to train support staff in how to use Linux. All of that is actually a very expensive suggestion. 

Consider the fact that there are no native versions of MS Word or Photoshop on Linux. These companies are MUCH bigger than us, but they don't even want to use their vast resources to create Linux versions. 

Having said all that, if this group gets a viable Linux version working, I'll test it in my off-time and we'll be happy to promote it. If we were able to determine that large numbers were using Accordance in Linux, we could certainly rethink our plans."

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Yes I read that, I also read that if more people would show interest, it might be worth it in the future. Therefore I thought I would show my interest.

Thank you for the reply!

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18 hours ago, Schulschlus said:

Yes I read that, I also read that if more people would show interest, it might be worth it in the future. Therefore I thought I would show my interest.

Thank you for the reply!

FWIW, I love Linux and would love to see the day when I can run all my essential apps on an open source platform. 

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I had to step away for a few days and just caught back up. 


I do see the issue with the Linux community and the cost associated. Like Mark said, I pray and hope for a day to run Accordance on Linux but as has been said, let us wait and see what Nathan is able to do. If he can get it to work, then I am on board with it and will run as fast as I can to it. 


I like Accordance but as R. Mansfield pointed out, Apple is not for everyone. Apple, Google, Microsoft, all of them I have come to have major issues with and loath them. I have been able to figure out how to use Linux as a daily runner on all of my stuff and to go back to their closed system is against all that I wish. That is why making Accordance workable on Linux is a high priority. I can do it with a VM but a native app is best!


Nathan, I am not as versed in coding for Linux, but I am not new either. I can do very basic stuff with some research. Please let me know if I can aid you in your trial of this. Please do keep us updated on this as I am watching intently!


Mark, I have been digging and searching to make Linux a daily driver. Is there anything specific you would need to make it a daily driver? You can PM me if you wish. 

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2 hours ago, Pastor Jonathan said:

I had to step away for a few days and just caught back up. 


I do see the issue with the Linux community and the cost associated. Like Mark said, I pray and hope for a day to run Accordance on Linux but as has been said, let us wait and see what Nathan is able to do. If he can get it to work, then I am on board with it and will run as fast as I can to it. 


I like Accordance but as R. Mansfield pointed out, Apple is not for everyone. Apple, Google, Microsoft, all of them I have come to have major issues with and loath them. I have been able to figure out how to use Linux as a daily runner on all of my stuff and to go back to their closed system is against all that I wish. That is why making Accordance workable on Linux is a high priority. I can do it with a VM but a native app is best!


Nathan, I am not as versed in coding for Linux, but I am not new either. I can do very basic stuff with some research. Please let me know if I can aid you in your trial of this. Please do keep us updated on this as I am watching intently!


Mark, I have been digging and searching to make Linux a daily driver. Is there anything specific you would need to make it a daily driver? You can PM me if you wish. 


Most importantly, our Accordance development tools are Mac only. I don't want to run them in an emulated environment. I also have to use InDesign and Word, and for testing purposes, I can't use clones. I also use a Windows app called MadCap Flare for all our documentation. 

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I’ll let all of you know if I need assistance in figuring this out. Thank you all for the offer!


By the way, it’s possible one of us on here who’s working on getting Accordance on CrossOver won’t be “just” an Accordance user down the road, although nothing specific to announce yet. 🙂 

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I've run linux boxes for fun a couple times over the years, and it'd be fun to see. Folks have asked/suggested it for well over a decade. But I'm gonna keep myself in check here.

Yes, 90-something% of web servers are running it now, but it is less than 1% of end users. You can trigger at that all you want, but ask the first 100 folks you see at the minister conference or at church on Sunday how many of them are running Linux on their main machine.

We're talking serious niche here, people. There are more folks computing on chromeOS than Linux. This is why major software companies don't chase that juicy *nix revenue. 


(Don't hate the messenger :)  )

Edited by Joe Weaks
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So this thread can get back on topic about a web app instead of Linux discussion, I've gone ahead and created a new thread here:




For those interested in following my progress, feel free to follow that thread.


Returning to the discussion at hand, I would still be interested in a web app. I can understand clear uses for it. If Accordance were to do it and even give it away or charge only a one-time fee for it, that would be fantastic (since Rick said they aren't talking about a subscription for it). Since I'm the type who puts my money where my mouth is, I'll state that I would be willing to pay a yearly subscription to have access to it if Accordance needed the extra revenue to cover the hosting expenses, with the icing on the cake would be to throw in major Accordance releases with such a deal. It would be useful for access on my Linux machine, as well as other machines that I didn't have access to my Linux library on.


I want Accordance to continue to succeed and wish to do anything I can to help them succeed. While I own a vast library from Accordance's largest competitor (even larger now that they gobbled up Wordsearch) and will continue to use Accordance's largest competitor as a tool in my Bible study toolbox, I also clearly understand that there needs to be healthy competition in the Bible software industry (not a rivalry but healthy innovation). We don't need one Bible study app being a monopoly in the industry. That will only limit choices, increase book costs, limit publisher's output options, and eventually cause an overall reduction in quality growth. Accordance is the only other real major paid player in the market (there are a few minor players and some decent free apps), and for the future of Bible software to continue to offer the quality it offers today, Accordance must continue to succeed and thrive. I want to do everything I can to help them succeed in the Bible software industry and remind users of the exceptional quality of the apps, books, support, and experience users get when they put Accordance to work for them.


A web app is a great step in this direction and will give it a chance to go places (and on people's machines) it hasn't gone before.

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[I had mostly already typed up this message before Nathan's post above slipped in.]


This discussion keeps missing the crucial element. Circumstances are forcing people to make disruptive choices they don't want to make, such as: dropping industry-best apps for lackluster apps that have better privacy, avoiding popular companies and services that conspire to implement/enforce heavy-handed government policies and spying, and much more... Raising chickens, dumping dollars for Bitcoin or gold... Even abandoning birth homes in once-beloved cities for rural refuges or exurbs.


The trade-offs are different now; we're not living in easy, normal times as we have known them.


Linux usage will surely increase, though admittedly I don't expect a stampede from the non-technical masses due to lack of Linux awareness or not knowing how to get started with it.


But, IMHO, the real issue for Accordance at this point is mere survival -- and preservation of the modules in a format that will be usable by free people on a free (non-proprietary) platform. It appears that the time is coming when Linux will be the only option for using unregulated, unmonitored Accordance, if at all.


Freedom-loving people are currently building a parallel society -- technology, financial, media, etc. It would be wonderful for Accordance to be a part of that world. 🌎🕊❤ Should the Lord tarry. On a final note, in such a society, it would be relatively safe to use a web app, but we're far from that point.

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On 2/21/2022 at 10:31 PM, Daniel L said:

On a final note, in such a society, it would be relatively safe to use a web app, but we're far from that point.


Not exactly certain what you mean by your last phrase, but if you mean the development of an Accordance web app, we may be much closer than you think.

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9 hours ago, R. Mansfield said:


Not exactly certain what you mean by your last phrase, but if you mean the development of an Accordance web app, we may be much closer than you think.

@R. Mansfield,


Ok, That is a very intriguing tidbit. 


I am very, very interested to know more, if possible? Thanks. 

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On 2/17/2022 at 7:44 PM, Mark Allison said:


Most importantly, our Accordance development tools are Mac only. I don't want to run them in an emulated environment. I also have to use InDesign and Word, and for testing purposes, I can't use clones. I also use a Windows app called MadCap Flare for all our documentation. 

@Mark Allison


I have found a few alternatives for the InDesign. But had to put a pause on searching out details. 


As for the Mac stuff, I wouldn't even know what tools they are. 



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2 hours ago, Pastor Jonathan said:

@R. Mansfield,


Ok, That is a very intriguing tidbit. 


I am very, very interested to know more, if possible? Thanks. 

@R. Mansfieldis a wonderful tease, but Accordance doesn't like to make announcements until a product is ready.

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In terms of a web app, I know what Rick is referring to, but I'm not saying. 🙂 


In terms of Daniel's comments, I have some additional "inside knowledge" on this being discussed in academia as well that I could chime in on later. It's one reason I've invested in a Linux machine. I'm making preparations so that I can consult with churches and Christian organizations on alternatives to big tech. It's unfortunately not if the church and Christian organizations will eventually pivot to alternatives to big tech but when. Hence I'm trying to learn all I can before the day comes. Will that mean a stampede exodus into Linux overnight? No. Will it mean the church and Christian organizations slowly pivoting to alternatives to big tech? Yes.

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13 hours ago, Tim Hall said:

...Accordance doesn't like to make announcements until a product is ready.


We might've publicly showed an early build at SBL back in November 👀

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34 minutes ago, R. Mansfield said:


We might've publicly showed an early build at SBL back in November 👀

@R. Mansfield,


What is SBL? I have not heard of this. Maybe I missed something? 


Need a Beta Tester? :D

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12 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

In terms of a web app, I know what Rick is referring to, but I'm not saying. 🙂 


In terms of Daniel's comments, I have some additional "inside knowledge" on this being discussed in academia as well that I could chime in on later. It's one reason I've invested in a Linux machine. I'm making preparations so that I can consult with churches and Christian organizations on alternatives to big tech. It's unfortunately not if the church and Christian organizations will eventually pivot to alternatives to big tech but when. Hence I'm trying to learn all I can before the day comes. Will that mean a stampede exodus into Linux overnight? No. Will it mean the church and Christian organizations slowly pivoting to alternatives to big tech? Yes.



I have been switching to alternatives for over two years now and the ONLY thing that has any pull back to Windows is Accordance. 


That is why a web app with the functions that allow me to do what I am doing now is also key. What it sounds like from R. Mansfield, it may be a reality sooner rather than later. If so, I will delete my VM and never look back. 


Trying to help others get out of these closed system has been a joy to me. I have converted, in one degree or another, about 5 or 6 people out of these mega conglomerates. Some more than others but it is a joy seeing them using systems like Libre Office that does all their Office would do but free. 


Please keep up the good work and I am watching to see how it works with CrossOver on the other thread. 

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@R. Mansfield,

This is a really ignorant question, but when Accordance has a web version, that would mean my mom can try Accordance Lite on her Chromebook. Is this correct?




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Just now, Kristin said:

...when Accordance has a web version, that would mean my mom can try Accordance Lite on her Chromebook. Is this correct?


Chromebook use is one of our targets, yes.

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@Mark Allison


I sent you a PM. Hope it helps. Thanks. 

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22 minutes ago, R. Mansfield said:


SBL = Society of Biblical Literature. Every November we are in the exhibit halls at SBL and ETS (Evangelical Theological Society). 

We will probably need beta testers eventually, but we're not quite there yet. 

Ok. Is that something that was recorded or we can view, or just an in person setting? 


Sounds good. Thanks. 

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54 minutes ago, Pastor Jonathan said:

Ok. Is that something that was recorded or we can view, or just an in person setting? 


Nothing recorded, sorry. And because the interface may still change, we're not showing screenshots or demos yet. But I can tell you, it looks really good!

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