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Journals Update


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Accordance  Team,

Will  there be an update to the Journals Module?  Possible through 2021 Journals.  Also, any possiblility that more academic language based journals will be added to Accordance?  




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  • 1 month later...

Can I bump this back up - JBL only goes to 2005 and BAR to 2016... plus seeing some other journals such as Ancient Near Eastern Studies, Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel and particularly Journal for the Study of the Old Testament... I have no idea if these would be available in necessary format

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  • 1 year later...

I need New Testament Studies, Catholic Bible Quarterly, Vetus Testamentum, Journal for the Study of the New Testament, New Testament Abstracts, Journal of Theological Studies, Filogia Neotestamentaria, just as a basic NT research set. I really don't want to keep pumping money into logos for this kind of thing. I find accordance much easier to use and much more capable. But what are the options . . . aside from some sketchy pdfs. 

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Can I add Journal for the Study of the Old Testament to this - it really is essential if you are looking at the Hebrew Bible seriously  - there is cross link to a separate discussion on current views on the Documentary hypotheses


this ToC for current issue


and also one free article - which is fascinating and gives a good idea of what the Journal is like


CleanShot 2023-06-14 at 11.49.05@2x.png


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Sounds like from what Nathan Parker was saying, something is in the works ...

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Hi Tim


Yes I read the thread about Galaxie but unless I am wrong the journals they handle are all from a strong Evangelical bent whereas what I was suggesting with the Journal of Old Testament was more ecumenical and Judaic focussed... I know I am in a minority on this one

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1 hour ago, Leopold Green said:

Hi Tim


Yes I read the thread about Galaxie but unless I am wrong the journals they handle are all from a strong Evangelical bent whereas what I was suggesting with the Journal of Old Testament was more ecumenical and Judaic focussed... I know I am in a minority on this one

Agreed. Same for me regarding NT research. Scholarship is scholarship. I know some terrific Jewish and liberal scholars and some terrible conservative scholars. Toting a party line is not conducive to research. 

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@Leopold Green I'm glad you saw what Nathan said. He's not as good a tease as Rick was, yet ... 


I was unaware that you were looking at more ecumenical and Judaic stuff. I suppose I should have read better or looked into what the journals were. Blessings! 

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We're still working on getting Galaxie up-to-date, but we don't have an official ETA yet.


I'll log these other journal requests on the list. I agree I'd love to see some other journal titles in Accordance. 

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I'll try to work on teasing as good as @R. Mansfield. I guess I need to eat more hot sauce. :-) 

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  • 5 months later...

Any updates on the Journals? Asking for a friend 😉

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I believe we have some journal updates finished (not 100% fully caught up yet, but something done). I'm having our team look and see what we could release so at least we can get some journals a little more updated.


These are some of our hardest projects to work on, but once they're done, they're so useful in Accordance.

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5 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

These are some of our hardest projects to work on


I don't doubt that this is true, but to be fully honest I don't understand why we keep hearing this as the reason the journals are so far out of date. Either Accordance wants to sell these to their customers who have requested them, or Accordance has decided that these just aren't a priority and customers should turn elsewhere. And surely, customers turning elsewhere can't be the desired outcome...

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Originally we looked at having a journal publisher produce the modules (similar to what Wordsearch did in the past) so we could get them updated and get on an annual release schedule, but I believe the publisher decided not to take on the development. Therefore, we'd still have to do them with our module developers at the moment. The files are complicated enough where the development time on even a handful of journals is pretty intense. I've been trying to look into/brainstorm if there's anything that can be done to make journal development go more quickly, but I'll admit it's a tough one. I'd love to see these up-to-date and on annual release schedule, as the journals are some of the main tools I personally use (and I still use what we currently have in Accordance).

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On 6/15/2023 at 3:35 AM, Leopold Green said:

I was suggesting with the Journal of Old Testament was more ecumenical and Judaic focussed... I know I am in a minority on this one


Like your suggestions!

I would also recommend the Journal of Hebrew Scriptures (link1) , Hebrew Union College Annual (link2), Jewish Quarterly Review (link3) and Jewish Bible Quarterly.

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  • 1 month later...
On 6/14/2023 at 6:02 PM, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

We're still working on getting Galaxie up-to-date, but we don't have an official ETA yet.


I'll log these other journal requests on the list. I agree I'd love to see some other journal titles in Accordance. 


Please, Lord, release this Journal Update ASAP! ;)

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  • 5 months later...

Here's the latest on journals:


  • We're looking into leveraging some technologies that would allow us to bulk import journals into Accordance faster. I may have more news to share on this front on how well the new technologies are going to work with journal importing in about a couple of months. We need to run some tests, then we'll have more to share once that happens.
  • I've spoken with Galaxie and even have their direct phone number of a contact there. After we run the automation tests, if we run into roadblocks, I'll be able to coordinate Galaxie and our module programmers together and see what can be done to overcome some of the roadblocks and hopefully speed up the importing of journals into Accordance.
  • I'm not going to overpromise any specific ETAs, but I am saying that we're actively exploring what we can do on this front to move in a good direction here. As I have more concrete updates to share, I will.
  • We'll start with Galaxie Journals as those are our most popular. We're always open to looking at others though, provided publishers will work with us.

We're also looking at leveraging some technologies that would allow us to bulk import simpler titles (like dissertations) so that we can offer some of those items as well.

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Thanks Nathan. Love these kinds of updates.

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Anytime. Expect more updates coming up.

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Some academic journals would be really good as well... I posted some suggestions above as did @Brian K. Mitchell

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I agree @Leopold Green. I'd love to see the addition of some academic journals that don't have an exclusively Evangelical focus. 

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@Leopold Green Once we get caught up with Galaxie and give our import systems a good spin, we can look into others. We'll have to see how flexible the journal publishers are. I know some like to keep theirs behind institutional paywalls, but we're always up to the challenge to ask!

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+1 for JTS. It's cited in commentaries frequently, and I'd love to follow the path.

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