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I am running:

Accordance 10.1 on

OSX 10.7.5


Often, when I triple click a Hebrew word in BHS-W4 to bring up BDB Complete, Accordance crashes. For example, a triple click on the last word in Nahum 1:14 "qallota" creates the crash. Opening BDB Abridged does not seem to have the same problem.



Have you tried upgrading to the latest Accordance, 10.1.3?


Upgraded to 10.1.3 and I no longer get the crash as I described. Thanks.


I have bought a few months ago the complete BDB and DCH and I must say that I am rather disappointed by the way Accordance connects the text to these lexical tools. For example: I click on the the Hifil of Shahat in 2 Sam 11, 1 and I get only the substantive SH H T nothing of the verb though I clicked on an inflected verb.

When you try to go from BDB to DCH it's okay, but you have to be very careful in navigating in DCH and most often I lose the entry by trying to roll down or up the DCH from the entry I get. Moreover as the bridge from BDB to DCH goes through the consonants in the search field at the top it happens, not infrequently, that I am led to something else.

Any clue as to the way these tols could be more useful in the Accordance? Right now I just go the BDB or old german Gesenius I have on paper.


Have you tried to add the option in Preferences: General that includes the verse reference when amplifying? It very often will take you to the correct entry of the lexicon.


I have bought a few months ago the complete BDB and DCH and I must say that I am rather disappointed by the way Accordance connects the text to these lexical tools. For example: I click on the the Hifil of Shahat in 2 Sam 11, 1 and I get only the substantive SH H T nothing of the verb though I clicked on an inflected verb.

When you try to go from BDB to DCH it's okay, but you have to be very careful in navigating in DCH and most often I lose the entry by trying to roll down or up the DCH from the entry I get. Moreover as the bridge from BDB to DCH goes through the consonants in the search field at the top it happens, not infrequently, that I am led to something else.

Any clue as to the way these tols could be more useful in the Accordance? Right now I just go the BDB or old german Gesenius I have on paper.


Can you post a screen shot of what you see in DCH after triple-clicking on וַיַּשְׁחִתוּ in 2Sam 11.1?


I did as you said Helen, does not change the situation. As to a screenshot, Rick, I am just asking on the web how to do this, for the usual command keys for this on my Mac do not work. I wil come back with a screenshot asap.


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