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Baylor Handbook on the Greek New Testament

Lorinda H. M. Hoover

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We're still going to press on with looking into more EGGNT volumes.


However, if you really want to see this one have a chance at making it into Accordance in the future, then here's where you can help: spread the word to as many people as possible about chiming in here requesting this module. If we can get 50-100 people interested, then we might have some good customer interest data we can use to discuss this one further. Not promising we can pull it off, but it would at least help us in our discussions.

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52 minutes ago, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

chiming in here requesting this module



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+ for Baylor and also for more EGGNT

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Yes! 1+

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I already own multiple volumes in print. I would love to see them in accordance as I tend to have the printed book open while also have the Greek text open in Accordance at the same time. It would also be helpful if they could be offered individually (not only as a whole set) so I could acquire additional volumes electronically.

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The Baylor price is pretty steep.  I honestly prefer to broaden what I have in EGGNT.  I have just the first 9 volumes.  


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4 hours ago, Julia Falling said:

The Baylor price is pretty steep.  I honestly prefer to broaden what I have in EGGNT.  I have just the first 9 volumes.


Yes, that's why at the moment we're looking more into broadening EGGNT. I'll leave the thread open here for people who express interest in Baylor, but broadening EGGNT is our main focus on this front. It's still a really great set and one it'd be great to have more volumes.

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+1 for Baylor in individual volumes

+! for the rest of the EGGNT


(Full disclosure I added my +1 to this thread back in 2016, figured I'd re-declare my interest, still waiting, but not holding my breath. Sigh )

Edited by RayRobinson
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  • 2 months later...

Just wanted to add my voice to the chorus of those asking for this resource. It's my go-to for grammar/syntax, and I would love to have it here in Accordance.

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While I would love to have it, I suspect that the price would be too high for me at this point.


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Yes, please expand EGGNT and bring the Baylor set to Accordance. Accordance targets exegesis, and these two sets make that happen.

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Last year, it wasn’t possible to negotiate a workable agreement with Baylor, though Accordance could ask again:


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@Benjamin Gladd Can you spread the word about interest in Baylor and see if we could get about 50+ people interested in it? I won't promise anything, but having that amount of interest in it might help us further potentially look into it.

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11 minutes ago, Dr. Nathan Parker said:

@Benjamin Gladd Can you spread the word about interest in Baylor and see if we could get about 50+ people interested in it? I won't promise anything, but having that amount of interest in it might help us further potentially look into it.

Curious if that means 50 people on the forum giving a positive voice, or if the company can figure x people on the forum who express interest means times y for the non-forum users who would probably buy it? That may be a company secret. 🙂

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50 or more people in general who would be highly interested in buying it. They can be forum members or even a mix of forum members and other members. Just some metrics showing us we have enough interest in this to potentially improve discussions on this (although I can't make any promises).

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Perhaps a poll?

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That would be helpful!

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