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Accordance Bible Software Branding

Dr. Nathan Parker

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I’ve noticed that some other Bible software programs (but not all of them) are dropping the “software” term from their branding since “software” is starting to be used a little less to refer to apps and programs.


Out of curiosity, I’m wondering if this is a trend that should continue among other Bible software apps and programs (such as Accordance), or if the rest of us should continue to gladly wear the label of calling ourselves “Bible software”. 



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I use the term bible software we I'm talking about it or when I am even referring to reading or studying with resources/modules I have, because I dropped the print book library's long ago.

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Good discussions. With Accordance Cloud, we’re not charging a subscription for it when we do release it (all Accordance 14 users will have access to it). From past discussions on here concerning subscriptions, subscriptions in general seem to be an unpopular model with our customer base. We’ll still be keeping the direct-purchase model for content in general.


Where I could see a type of “subscription” offering that would be beneficial is for content that needs to be regularly updated (such as journals and a handful of continually-expanded product offerings). Even in that setting, I’d probably propose more of an “automated purchase” method instead of a traditional “subscription”. Instead of renting the content and you lose access to all of it if you stop paying, a more feasible setup would be that you’re basically purchasing that year’s new content on a fixed schedule. If you ever stop paying, you get to keep what you own up to the year’s worth of content you paid for, but you wouldn’t get access to future year’s worth of new content if you stopped paying. That way you don’t lose anything if you drop the subscription, but you don’t get access to newer content.

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If it aint broke, dont fix it. 

Personally, i cant see any advantages in dropping 'software' and can see some possible confusion in dropping 'software' as you dont have your own translation.



Edited by ukfraser
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I guess Bible hardware would be in the form of a bound organization of knowledge. ;)



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@Nathan Parker


Thank you for asking this question.


Coming from a programming background, when I was first introduced to Accordance (and its peer) a few years ago, I found it a bit odd to be buying Bible "software" when the bulk of the value (and price) was in the books. If you're buying word processing software, for example, you expect to get something that manipulates text; The Complete Works of Shakespeare isn't part of the word processing "software" just because you can edit the text with it. I wondered what Bible "software" actually did with the books ... surely you could do more than just read them and do some (programming-wise) basic things like text searching and highlighting. (And it does - Construct Search, for example is something more than just the basics. But I digress.)


The term that made more sense was "platform". Accordance "software" is just the app itself whereas the Accordance "platform" encompasses the app, the Bibles, commentaries, and other resources that make up the bulk of the product offering. Arguably, it even includes this community. If I'm buying Accordance "software", there's something of an expectation (however unjustified) to be able to use the app with e-books bought elsewhere - just as you can use your favourite word processing "software" to work on documents produced by rival software vendors. But if I'm joining the Accordance "platform", that's no longer an issue - just as you don't expect posts made in one social media "platform" to be automatically accessible on another social media "platform".

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Lawrence, I really like the platform suggestion!



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I like the term platform & at one point the other guys used engine, if I'm not mistaken. @Lawrence

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Good discussion. I haven’t originally thought of Accordance as a “platform”, but I like what you’re all saying. Thanks for all of this great feedback!

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I will only proffer this because some marketing types at a company I previously worked at were enamored with the term "Studio." So, if they were working for OakTree, they might suggest "Accordance Bible Studio" or something along those lines. :)

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Hmm, thinking about the word platform and where one often encounters it, I wonder what the Prince of Peace would think about associating scripture with a word heard very commonly in association with destructive military weapons. 🤔



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1 hour ago, Steven S said:

. . . or something along those lines


Accordance Bible Suite

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3 hours ago, Solly said:

Hmm, thinking about the word platform and where one often encounters it, I wonder what the Prince of Peace would think about associating scripture with a word heard very commonly in association with destructive military weapons.


Maybe we’re the “secret weapon” some governments have in the arsenals. 🙂 

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2 minutes ago, john_2022 said:

I own various Bible hardware configurations. Hard cover hardware and Leatherbound


I still love my lambskin Bible!

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John and Nathan, if I were on a desert island, I would have my leather-bound NASB (77) Thompson Chain-Reference and Crossway lambskin personal size ESV Bibles. The lambskin Bible is a joy to hold! The ESV translation is still in the Tyndale tradition and is comfortable to my KJV saturated mind. The Greeklish NASB is a great version for textual study and the chain-reference was Accordance before computers.  😊



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John, you are correct. The Crossway ESV was printed in China and the paper is thin and takes delicate manipulation to turn page by page. 


The Kirkbride Thompson is printed in the US (does not say by whom) Seventh Printing February 2006 and the paper is as thin as the Crossway product. Even with the thin paper, it stills weighs in at over three pounds. I guess it provides a bit of a workout as I carry it around. ;)



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Regarding the name for Accordance:


I like the ideas proposed here: Platform, Engine, etc. But I think by keeping something will set Accordance apart. 


Regarding the Bibles, I am always looking for a good NKJV printed in the US. Right now I have the Open Bible from Thomas Nelson. 


But I also know of this company here: https://churchbiblepublishers.com/


They only deal with KJV (which as a Traditional Text adhearer, this is awesomeI) but they make some very beautiful Bibles. Printed here in TX. 

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1 minute ago, john_2022 said:

I had a half dozen NKJV Bibles. But I finally decided to go for quality. I wanted a readable font size, verse by verse format, quality paper. I was unable to find one in a hardcover, but I ended up going with this one NKJV Topaz Reference Edition.



That is very nice. May have to save for that due to several expenses I have coming up. Thanks for sharing. 

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My lambskin Bible is a Thompson from KJVBibles.com. I believe it is printed in the USA. The notes are pre-Zondervan’s acquisition if anyone needs the “older” edition.


It’s the most luxurious print Bible I’ve owned yet. 


It’s the Bible I plan to use if we did have an EMP.


If an EMP happened, technically since Accordance works offline, if you had a room with a computer in it that was completely faraday-shielded and had a way to generate a source of power, you could keep studying the Bible with Accordance. Since most of the population doesn’t have that kind of setup, a leather Thompson and a set of Butler’s books would provide me with years of Bible study experience if the apocalypse happened….as long as I could move in with @R. Mansfield and access his food supply. 🙂 


TBSBibles.org produces some good leather KJVs as well. 

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In my mind... (we're on dangerous territory here!) :)

  • Apps are what I have on my phone
  • Software is the broad term to talk about 'programs' on my desktop / laptop

So I have Accordance Bible software / program on my Win desktop / laptop

I use the Accordance Bible app on my phone


I do like the idea of "platform" (and I don't know what connection "platform" has w/ military stuff that @Solly mentioned)


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Good info!

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I noticed something today since we have been having the conversation the when you go to the other brands page it says platform.


Also, in the same vein as Crocodile Dundee...that's not a knife, this is a knife.


That's not a sword, this is a sword! @Nathan Parker



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6 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

as long as I could move in with @R. Mansfield and access his food supply.


Hey, you can use your incredible Accordance salary to buy your own emergency food stash. I recommend My Patriot Supply (that is NOT an affiliate link). It is the best overall tasting I’ve found.

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@R. MansfieldHere you go!





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One more...😂



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