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microscopic table of contents in tools


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I appreciate that with Tools, I can write my tool in whatever font size and whatever color I want. I find this very helpful, and I thus set the font size to what I consider to be readable on the monitor that I have.


However, the "table of contents" for the tool is at a set font, and it is so tiny that I literally can't read it. So I like the concept of the table of contexts on tools, but functionally it is worthless since it is so small.


I am thus hoping that the font size of the table of contents can ALSO be set just like the actual tool text is able to be set. I will attach a picture comparing the word "Immortal" how it looks in my tool compared to the table of contents, and I think my problem will become apparent. Keep in mind that if I could see the word "immortal" at a smaller font, I would have written it at a smaller font, so obviously I can't read it in the table of contents.





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Accordance is so customisable elsewhere that I’d be surprised if they don’t have a font-size setting for menu items. If they don’t, one workaround is to scale everything up in the operating system.


There should be a control panel for monitors (or screens or displays - I’m not sure what they call it on the Mac). Set your display resolution to a smaller number, keeping the height:width proportion constant. This should make everything on the screen bigger.


The drawback when I’ve tried this with other software is that menu bars etc all become bigger as well, so they eat into the screen’s usable space.

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Hi Kristin


try this - Table of Contents size


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46 minutes ago, Lawrence said:

Accordance is so customisable elsewhere that I’d be surprised if they don’t have a font-size setting for menu items. If they don’t, one workaround is to scale everything up in the operating system.


Hi @Lawrence,

Unfortunately they don't have such a setting. :( Thank you for the idea, but messing with the resolutions on my computer wouldn't work since it would change everything, not just the table of contents.


44 minutes ago, Erhard said:

try this - Table of Contents size


Hi @Erhard,

Thank you for the screenshot, that was helpful. Oddly, changing the able of contents ONLY changed the library, but did not change the table of contents in tools.



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You may need to report that as a Mac bug since it works in Windows


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Is it all tools by the way? I tried it with some dictionaries

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Hi @Erhard

Ok, I will report it as a bug. It hadn't occurred to me to check dictionaries, but yes, it changed it there too, which is helpful. I set it to medium large and that works well for the Library and dictionaries, but even going to extra large doesn't change the tool... Oh!! It is not a bug! It just occurred to me that the difference between the the Library and dictionaries was that that they were not open, while the tool was. I closed the contents of the tool, then reopened it and it worked! :)

I really need medium large for the library and dictionaries, but I set it to very large for the sake of the tool and now I can read it and it is the same size as the tool text!


Thank you for your help!

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Hi @john_2022

haha, :) in all seriousness though, that is actually a good reminder to thank God for things which are easy to take for granted. I may be near sighted, but thank God I don't need those!!

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Glad this worked!

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6 hours ago, Kristin said:

Hi @Erhard

Ok, I will report it as a bug. It hadn't occurred to me to check dictionaries, but yes, it changed it there too, which is helpful. I set it to medium large and that works well for the Library and dictionaries, but even going to extra large doesn't change the tool... Oh!! It is not a bug! It just occurred to me that the difference between the the Library and dictionaries was that that they were not open, while the tool was. I closed the contents of the tool, then reopened it and it worked! :)

I really need medium large for the library and dictionaries, but I set it to very large for the sake of the tool and now I can read it and it is the same size as the tool text!


Thank you for your help!


Glad Erhard's solution worked.


Go ahead and report it as a bug still - when changing the preferences, the changes should apply to already-opened tools.

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Did it ever work for already-opened tools? That’ll let me know if I need to file it as a bug report or as a feature request.

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17 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

Did it ever work for already-opened tools? That’ll let me know if I need to file it as a bug report or as a feature request.

When you change fonts for tools for example, it asks you if you want to apply it to open tools, so maybe that part is missing.

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