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Main Accordance Modules to Bring into Accordance

Dr. Nathan Parker

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  • Dr. Nathan Parker unpinned this topic
  • 3 months later...
On 1/10/2023 at 5:05 AM, Tim Planche said:

- Perseus, papyri.info, Loeb online and Souda online would be my wish-list. (I would even pay a subscription for that functionality! -just  to contribute to another thread here !)


Wanted to highlight the subscription idea. This is a great idea, largely because some of these resources keep expanding and bringing the resources in Accordance to bear on them would be very useful. Further, the subscription model for texts out of copyright is much less problematic.

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I just wanted to note the importance of ANET. Accordance lacking this is pretty much forcing people to buy it elsewhere.


(There are other threads too, but here are some threads requesting it, since @Nathan Parker asked for threads).


A few of the ANET threads:







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I think I logged all the ANET stuff. Thanks for that!


True on subscriptions for those types of resources. While it seemed the idea of subscriptions in general fell flat among Accordance users, a subscription for targeted resources that “keep expanding” might very well be useful and popular.


One unique twist Accordance could do to such a model is more of an “automated purchase” model instead of a traditional “subscription”. Customers pay a flat fee on a schedule to get access to any new additions that come down the pipeline, but in the event you cancel the service, you keep what you already own/bought. You just don’t get new stuff. That way you’re not “renting” or “losing” any of your initial investment if you stop paying. 

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1 hour ago, Nathan Parker said:

I think I logged all the ANET stuff. Thanks for that!


True on subscriptions for those types of resources. While it seemed the idea of subscriptions in general fell flat among Accordance users, a subscription for targeted resources that “keep expanding” might very well be useful and popular.


One unique twist Accordance could do to such a model is more of an “automated purchase” model instead of a traditional “subscription”. Customers pay a flat fee on a schedule to get access to any new additions that come down the pipeline, but in the event you cancel the service, you keep what you already own/bought. You just don’t get new stuff. That way you’re not “renting” or “losing” any of your initial investment if you stop paying. 

That is a valid right there, I actually have the ANET in my other Library but I'm finding myself opening up Accordance as my primary study & research software, recently added some great modules over the last couple months.

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ANET looks really popular among Accordance users. I’ll move that close to the top of discussions I have with the teams.

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On 5/21/2023 at 3:56 AM, Nathan Parker said:

I think I logged all the ANET stuff. Thanks for that!


True on subscriptions for those types of resources. While it seemed the idea of subscriptions in general fell flat among Accordance users, a subscription for targeted resources that “keep expanding” might very well be useful and popular.


The idea here- really for original language study -   was that there are a very large number of resources for Greek and Hebrew resources on-line (some free and some paid for) that it would be very difficult for accordance incorporate.


Nevertheless these resources could be indispensable for working with the Greek or Hebrew (or Latin) . The idea would be to use them with a kind of modified line research  function that could for example, do tagged word searches give word use statistics etc.


This would greatly increase the functionality of Accordance to work with the biblical texts in the original languages from within accordance  - rather than having to go to several sources line as you need to at the moment.


(Something like Alpheios  is an online tool with the functionality to effectively tag words on the fly in any greek and Latin text  - which I assume is a functionality could be used in accordance)

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18 minutes ago, Tim Planche said:

This would greatly increase the functionality of Accordance to work with the biblical texts in the original languages from within accordance  - rather than having to go to several sources line as you need to at the moment.


This is exactly my point. The tool (Accordance) brings to bear value which the freely available texts online do not have on their own in isolation. Given the fixed acquisition costs per free text (largely formatting maybe some tagging) and the incremental value-add to the user, this is a peak interest area of mine.

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The system used by Diogenes has been mentioned several times with the question as to whether it could be integrated, along with some substantial Greek material, into Accordance. See here for just one example:



The impressive thing about Diogenes is that the texts themselves are not parsed. It's the application that does it one the fly. I don't know if a partnership with Perseus (rather than TLG) and Diogenes would be possible, but it might be worth looking into.

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1 hour ago, Donald Cobb said:

The system used by Diogenes has been mentioned several times with the question as to whether it could be integrated, along with some substantial Greek material, into Accordance. See here for just one example:



The impressive thing about Diogenes is that the texts themselves are not parsed. It's the application that does it one the fly. I don't know if a partnership with Perseus (rather than TLG) and Diogenes would be possible, but it might be worth looking into.

not seen Diogenes before - its brilliant- though also like Alpheios as it's a plug-in  you can use it with any Latin or Greek texts.


would be fab to have the ability to use this functionality within Accordance  - I realise some on-line resources are paid for - but that is where I think a subscription could be paid to accordance for access to these paid sites

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  • 6 months later...

Just to add my two cents... Although I use BDAG, almost every day, for most of my use, I'm scrolling through, for is for me superfluous details.  The Concise Greek-English Lexicon of the Greek New Testament would be a better fit for my needs for the majority of the time.  I'd very much like to add this to my Accordance library.

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Sounds good. I've forwarded that request on for review.

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