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German- English Dictionary/ Lexicon


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Many accordance users who are doing graduate work need to learn theological german; many who did their grad work a long time ago and have forgotten their german need some help.  I know that tagged german texts would be a lot of coding but surely there is a published with an epub lexicon or a public domain German/English dictionary out there? I would happily pay to be able to search a german lexicon in accordance rather than using google translate and comparing that to a few other websites or manually looking up a word in a physical dictionary. French and Spanish might be good as well.

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The Apple system dictionaries are very handy, and are from good publishers. You can download as many as you like to an Apple device: German, German-English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Arabic, …  Though they’re large dictionaries, they don’t have a lot of theological terms, but at least you can look up the components of a long theological term.


If you want a free German-English dictionary, I downloaded the BEOLINGUS dictionary several years ago and found it useful: https://dict.tu-chemnitz.de/doc/faq.en.html It’s GPL.



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