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Cut and Paste Issues in Papers


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When I cut text (right click highlighted text and choose cut) from papers and paste (ctrl-v) into a new spot in that same paper, Accordance almost always hangs (crashing) for me.  It hangs for so long I have to use task manager to shut Accordance down.  



Windows 10



PS  No issue with same text when I revert back to 12.1.5

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I cannot seem to duplicate this problem.  Can you give me a few more details or attache a picture of what you are trying to copy?



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I copy text





I created a new paper.  (Although it does not need to be a new paper it will happen even if it is just a copy and paste within the same paper.)

Tried to paste copied text into new paper.





Nothing happens on screen but Accordance hangs for about 2 minutes then crashes and closes.





I restarted Accordance tried the exact same steps.  Worked this time save for one minor annoyance I have been seeing (see following image). 





Notice how the highlighted word More has a much smaller font size for the 'o'.  Every time I copy and paste that text a different character shrinks like the 'n' in any this time.





The crashing does not happen all the time but fairly regularly (like 1 out of every 5 times I copy and paste).

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