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How to sync Accordance iOS with OSX via Dropbox


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I have actually had everything in place to sync iOS with OSX via Dropbox for sometime but didn't realise it. A few months ago I moved my Accordance OSX files into Dropbox in order to have an automatic backup. Recently it struck me that if I moved those files into the Accordance folder used by the iOS app (Dropbox > Apps > Accordance) then iOS and OSX would be sharing folders and therefore files. iOS has fewer folders but all of the same name as OSX so the folder hierarchy is the compatible with both apps. **Warning: if you do this make sure you sync the apps using the normal method offered within Accordance first so you don't lose information in either app.** I tried this and it works. Not only that but it synchronised a complex highlight file from OSX to iOS that I hadn't been able to synchronise within Accordance.


On Mac files will auto sync, but on iOS you will have to sync as normal. If you haven't already you will need to link the iOS Accordance app to Dropbox - do this before moving folders across on OSX.

Edited by nadnosliw
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While this is possible as you described, we do not recommend it nor support it at this time. Accordance 10.2 for Mac will be an official Dropbox client that will support syncing of User files across devices without having to manipulate things in this fashion. 10.2 is in testing, but we aren't publishing a release date just yet.


So, you can continue to use this method, but we just want you (and others) to do so at your own risk and if possible wait for official support of this exciting new feature.



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That is exciting news Rick. Accordance & Dropbox two of my favorite programs ... totally working together :D

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In definitely looking forward to DB integration. Discovered this by accident really. But it works so I'm happy. At least I can access previus file versions via DB website should anything bad happen - hopefully not!!

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