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I can reproduce this crash every time but only if I search in the pane as described and illustrated in the screen shots attached. I just confirmed it before posting here, which makes it #7. My steps are:


1. Enter a search query in the entry box as seen in screenshot "Acc search Crash 1"

2. Hit return and receive the notice of inappropriate search range for the ESV as seen in screenshot "Acc search Crash 2"

3. Choose "set to all text" (but already it was set to New Testament, which was appropriate for the search)

4. Hit "return" and Accordance disappears. Upon restart and recover I receive the normal prompt asking if I want to recover my last session, I choose "Recover" but the the "recover" prompt remains open for a second time, even after choosing "Recover."

5. The recovery duplicates each of my previously opened workspaces identically, so I have two of each. See screen shot "Acc Recovery Doubles." Note: even if after choosing "Recover" once, and then cancel on the second prompt, I still get the doubled workspaces.


Each of these steps and results can be reproduced. I did however try the same search query in a different pane within the same workspace and Accordance did not crash.


Is there anything else I can do to help identify the problem? Or to eliminate the problem?












One more thing I noticed. After recovering from a crash, the session is restored as hoped. But if I close Accordance after that, and then restart, the text is not restored to the same position. For example, rather than verse 11 like it was restored, and which is correct, it is verse 1. Thought that was worth mentioning.


This is interesting, Mark. I'm not able to reproduce it either. Clearly, something got a bit hosed so it thought that ESVS doesn't have a New Testament, hah! Thats also quite strange about the Recover occurring twice, I haven't seen that before, nor can I recall anyone else mentioning it. Its almost like you have multiple Accordances running or something. I do remember you mentioning some other odd, unreproducible, crashes a couple of weeks ago. I wonder if there is something odd with your setup or preferences that may be causing these?

Posted (edited)

Joel, yes. Those other crashes were recent, and were related to making a new "Search Range." So they are "search" related in a sense. And that was in another workspace so I don't think the workspace itself is corrupted...or is that even a possibility?


Indeed this is an odd crash. At this point since I have narrowed it down to one pane only, I'll just close out the pane and open a new one to see if the problem persists.


Otherwise I wouldn't know if something is off kilter in my set up, but I can say I haven't changed anything recently in preferences other than theme customization about a month ago.


Crashes in Accordance almost never happen to me, so I'm as baffled as you are. One possible difference is that I had just updated to Acc 10.1.5 yesterday, shortly before encountering this unique behavior.

Edited by Mark Nigro
Posted (edited)

Just tried out my theory but got no joy:


I closed out the ESV pane in question, opened a new ESV pane (in the same workspace, same windowed group of tabs), set the range to New Testament and hit "search."


Accordance disappeared immediately and gave me the same recover duplication. This time, however, one of the workspaces contained only blank window panes. See screen shots.


Edited by Mark Nigro
Posted (edited)

Joel, I don't know about the crash but I do have an interesting update for you on the doubling workspace enigma.


I checked my "Accordance Files" folder and confirmed that I only have one workspace for each of those that are getting doubled, as well as other workspaces residing in that folder. However, I am able to open two of each-and-any workspace, but not more than two of each.


Something is making Accordance think there are two and therefore the "Recovery" tries to recover both.


Notice in the screenshot of all the doubles I opened, not from auto recovery but directly from the Accordance "File/Open" command. I could not do this before updating to 10.1.5.


Could this be related to the "Autosaved Sessions?" Just in case it's useful I'm also uploading a screenshot of my "Accordance Folder."



Edited by Mark Nigro
Posted (edited)

Here is some crucial info regarding the crashes: the crash ONLY happens when I include a search range limited to a division or a single book of the Bible in the New Testament. Old Testament selections tell me the range is inappropriate, and then resets the range to "Search All Text." Running the search then will continue and creates no problem. But if I choose any book or division of the New Testament, Accordance crashes immediately.


No matter what workspace I use, even creating a New Workspace, I cannot search with limited ranges, otherwise Accordance tells me it's an inappropriate range and then crashes.


Please pardon all the posts and screenshots, I figured you'd like to track and see what's happening here. This time Auto-recovery opened QUADRUPLETS of the same workspace. Please see the screenshot.


I'll have to stop experimenting at this point as I need to get to work.


Edited by Mark Nigro
Posted (edited)

Alas, I have spoken too soon. Here is one last screenshot and update. After my last crash, auto-recover brought up several workspaces, one of which contained a misallocated "search link" error. The workspace did not contain a search link, nor an open BHS at all. Another workspace that was recovered did contain that, but the error was not associated with that particular workspace. Strange.


At this point, I can't really do any searching in Accordance without crashes so if you have any advice, workaround etc., please let me know.


Edited by Mark Nigro

Should I try reinstalling Accordance at this point, since searching has become crippled on my system? If so, what steps should I take?


Mark, I'm able to reproduce the doublet/quadruplet issue - it seems as though when recovering from a crash, Accordance will ask you to recover twice. In your case, since you recovered twice, and then it crashed, it opened that already doubled session twice, which is how you ended up with 4 sets of sessions. Continuing the pattern will keep doubling everything, which isn't good!


It should be easy to recover your Accordance, without reinstalling. Just go to your ~/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences/ folder and delete the Startup session file. Then, launch Accordance. If it asks you to recover, be sure to hit Cancel. But, you should end up with just a normal, empty search window, and be ok to go moving on.


As far as the cause of the crashes, I wonder if your Ranges preference file has become corrupt - that would explain both your previous ones and this current set. Try throwing away the 'Search Ranges' file from that same folder, and see if that stops it from crashing. I'm able to run ESV searches for singular NT books just fine, so I really wonder if there is something messed up with those Ranges.


Let me know how this goes.


Joel, you are now officially my hero. That did it!


I was not even asked to recover, Accordance simply opened to a workspace and a new "Search Range" set was created, which allows me to search the NT or single books without a hitch. I confirmed this in my other workspaces as well.


Thank you! I'm back to happy studies in Accordance :)

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