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Unicode vs. Greek Font


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I'm using the tool iFlash to learn greek vocabulary. You can only sent one font for each card-side.

So the problem with the answer side of the card is that I have the German word, but I also want to insert an greek sample sentence from the GNT.

In the accordance preferences I changed the settings to always export in unicode-format.

So when I copy and paste from the GNT it works. I can paste the text in iFlash.


The only downside I see is that unicode doesn't look as good as the Helena font (is that correct?).

Is there any way to convert greek unicode text back to use helena font again? For example if someday I use a different tool that would support multiple fonts.

Since creating those vocabulary cards takes a lot of time I want to make sure I'm going down the right path.

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Accordance will automatically turn your unicode back into Helena if you paste it back into Accordance, then export it again (without the unicode export checked).


However, what may be a better option is to try to use a better looking unicode font. For example, Cardo or Gentium are two nice looking greek fonts that may handle it better.

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Accordance will automatically turn your unicode back into Helen


As awesome as Accordance is, it is still unable to change fonts into Helen. It would be wonderful to have multiple copies of Helen walking around. But maybe we can add that to the "future feature request." (ok, I couldn't resist the stupid early morning spelling joke :) )


Elias, in addition to the fonts mentioned by Joel, here are some other unicode fonts you might find useful:



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