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Selected Scrolling

Cristian Rotaru

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I wonder if it is possible to do "selected scrolling" (or restrict the display to a particular section of the text) particularly when working through a large body of text. For example, suppose I am reading one of Spurgeon's sermons from the complete 63 volume series, is it possible to restrict the scrolling (or display) to that sermon/issue/volume only? Such a large body of text makes it hard to navigate, as a small scroll takes you beyond the body of text. 



Edited by Cristian Rotaru
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I don't think you can restrict scrolling through an entire module, but you may be able to use a down arrow key on your keyboard to more slowly scroll through a module. You can try it and see what happens.

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If you are using a Search Pane, you can do this by setting the search parameters for the the article/section in question, and using the gear icon to access "Set Text As" and then choose "Article"


I don't have Spurgeon's Sermons, so I can't provide an exact example from there.  Instead, I'll provide one from "The Bible In Context" which is available in the basic starter collection and most other English based collections:


Open the module (in this case "The Bible in Context")

Find the chapter/sermon/section you want to read and note the title of this section (in our example "The Importance of Context" in Chapter 1)

Set the search field for Titles and type the title in the search box; hit return

Click on the gear icon just to the left of the font size buttons (AA); choose "Show Text as" and then choose "Articles"

Now only that article/section appears, and you can scroll through it without scrolling past the end of the section (or scrolling above the beginning of it)

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Thank you for the answers. @Lorinda H. M. Hoover that works if I select a specific subsection (i.e., the finest breakdown in the table of contents), but how do I extend the functionality if I want to restrict myself to a whole chapter?  In the case of Spurgeon's 63 series, each sermon is broken down into parts (e.g., I, II, III) and selecting one sermon  + "showing the text as articles" only gives me the introduction of the sermon (up to part I). 

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Hmm... I didn't think to test that far.  

I though there was also a way to do it from the Table of Content pane, but I'm not finding it.  (Set Display Range doesn't restrict scrolling to the chosen range)

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You can do this on Mac by opening the TOC then alt + click on the level you want to do your search in. In your case, alt-click on the highest level of the collection you want to search in (i.e. on vol. 63). You should then get a vertical orange band that shows the area to which the seach will be restricted. Hope that helps!

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Do you mean opt-click?  That's what I was referring to in my last post.  But it doesn't restrict scrolling to the selected range.  At least not for me.  Is it doing so for you?

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35 minutes ago, Lorinda H. M. Hoover said:

Do you mean opt-click?  That's what I was referring to in my last post.  But it doesn't restrict scrolling to the selected range.  At least not for me.  Is it doing so for you?


Sorry, yes I meant option-click! That should work better.

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@Donald CobbTried it but it does not fix the issue on my machine. The text gets selected, but then nothing happens after choosing any of the "Show Text As", or if I search for a sermon, I only get the first part (the introduction). Does it work on your machine?

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