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Accordance 13 cannot launch at all ...

Tony Young

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Hi Nathan and Silas, I am really sorry that I missed your two emails (on the second page) before I replied yesterday.


I did talk to Accordance's tech support.  Yes, it's definitely a login issue.  Accordance even doesn't reach to the point that writes the encrypted password information to the registry.  It's a problem outside the tech support guy's control.  Only an internal developer may be able to help if he/she is willing to provide me some experimental code (e.g. a dll) to debug the case.  I know that I ask too much.  But it's great if you can take an effort to avoid my buying a new machine.  I would really appreciate it.


I think I tried 13.3.2 and  13.3.4.  I seemed to try version 14 as well.  As Silas's last two questions, I work from my home.  My wife's machine runs Accordance 13 without a problem.  Her machine is very similar to mine in terms of the Windows version, age, and capacities.  Both machines are HP so that they should have similar drivers.  It proves that there is nothing to do with my modem, router and ISP. 


I also tried to copy to my machine my wife's Accordance's two registry items and 4 installation folders that the tech support guy mentioned.  Then it's still the same connection problem, which fails the login process.



Edited by Tony Young
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Thanks. @Silas Marrs is one of our programmers, so he chimed in with some questions for you.

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Glad to assist. Keep us posted on this.

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