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Feedback on Sermon Builder

Dr. Nathan Parker

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I do preach with Accordance now. I actually use Papers. It works ok for me. I usually have another Bible app available since I cannot use papers and Accordance for a Bible at the same time (frankly I have an open, paper Bible with me on the pulpit anyway--but I like to have quick access to the Greek text). I do like being able to touch my scripture links in papers and read them if I choose to. If I could improve preaching with Accordance I would like to see... 

  1. the ability to switch between multiple, Accordance windows
  2. a way to annotate pages with information about the sermon (tagged with date, topic, place preached, references, etc) for easy searching
  3. the ability to insert my choice of graphics into the papers
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Great feedback!

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My sermon prep process is so refined at this point that I can’t imagine changing it up with a feature like this, but I do think this is important for younger users as well as future users who would benefit from something like this. For the longevity of the app, I think this is a vital feature in the future. Since I have no interest in using this, I have no feedback as to what it should look like, but lots of good ideas here.

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I use Accordance at times when preaching or teaching a class.  I use Papers or User Tools when I do so (usually Papers)    Honestly, I go back and forth between Accordance and Logos.  The biggest drawback to preaching from Accordance for me is that I can't split screen a Paper with the text.  This would make Papers much more useful for me in teaching and preaching.

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I suppose I would have to create my own template in a User Tool, name it "Sermons".  I would have to insert the date as a field, the place as a field, the audience as a field, etc.  Then I would have to use copy/paste with Scriptures, and spend time doing formatting.  I couldn't automatically insert powerpoint media, so I'd have to do that separately in powerpoint.  Then after it was done, I would have to organize the files under a sermon directory, but I'm not sure that I could find them or tag them efficiently enough to search by title, topic, date or place preached. Then I would open up my iPad and notice I needed to sync it, somehow. Currently I guess I'd have to try to do this all on an iPad, because I'm not sure it would sync my settings. 

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Great feedback!

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