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Feedback on Sermon Builder

Dr. Nathan Parker

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One feature request that has come up frequently in the forums is some form of “sermon builder”. I’d like to hear some additional specifics on this feedback.


What would Accordance users like to see in a “sermon builder” feature in Accordance? What would it do that you cannot do today using Papers, etc., in Accordance?


Would you want the “sermon builder” to be on both desktop and mobile?


Do you also want some form of “sermon manager” and “illustrations manager” that makes it easy to keep track of your sermons and illustrations?



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2 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

One feature request that has come up frequently in the forums is some form of “sermon builder”. I’d like to hear some additional specifics on this feedback.


What would Accordance users like to see in a “sermon builder” feature in Accordance? What would it do that you cannot do today using Papers, etc., in Accordance?


Would you want the “sermon builder” to be on both desktop and mobile?


Do you also want some form of “sermon manager” and “illustrations manager” that makes it easy to keep track of your sermons and illustrations?




As far as a sermon builder, I just make my own templates. I used the one on the "other" Bible program--I didn't really work for me. I was using the sermon manager, and would probably like something like that in Accordance. Right now there are limited options for arranging my papers or perhaps a sermon manager utility. 


Something happened this morning with syncing, I guess, and I lost my whole sermon. Fortunately I had printed it off before I ran into the pulpit! It is frustrating to lose so much work. I tried pulling up an autosave session, but it did not work. I guess I could just not sync and only store my papers on my laptop. I will try this because I can't afford to lose my papers. 

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Thanks for the feedback! I’ll have an update on syncing enhancements hopefully before long.

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Papers is the only Accordance feature I genuinely despise, at least as it is currently. I want a flexible, user-friendly interface that will allow me to write without clicking on tiny icons and typing in little boxes. I want a Sermon Builder to export cleanly to MS Word or another word processor as may be needful.


Ideally, I want to be able to write my sermons without ever leaving Accordance. I personally don't care whether it's available for mobile, but I know at least a few users who prepare their sermons on iPad+keyboard setups and would appreciate it.


I believe a Sermon Manager would be invaluable, especially if it included tags. I like to plan ahead and schedule study plans when possible. I really like The Competitor's product, but I prefer Accordance. I'm less interested in an Illustration Manager, but it could be useful. 


For more discussion, see the Big Discussion on the subject. @Dan Langston wrote a nice list.

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Thanks for the feedback!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Something like a sermon builder would be good. I really like Papers, but it is really annoying when I have to copy/paste citation into Papers I end up having to reformat the citation because for some reason the parenthetical citation will have a huge parenthesis. 

Also, bullet points would be good, because sometimes I do like to just write how sentences. I just like to put a couple bullet points. But fixing the citation thing would really be good!!!

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Take a close look at Logos Sermon Builder and then do it very differently!! Their solution is too fiddly.


It should have...

  1. Automatically insert text from my preferred text - something like highlight and then add to sermon where it inserts it into the currently open sermon. If there isn't one then let it create a new one.
  2. Outlining should be based on the style of sermon (deductive, inductive, expository, topical, etc)
  3. Put some templates based on popular kinds of sermons forms (Big Idea from Haddon Robinson, Christ-Centered model from Chapel, Motivated Sequence, Inductive etc)
  4. Export to PP or KN or JPG slideshow where it will export things like scripture verses, quotes, images, maps, main points or sub points, etc

Just a few thoughts.

<humblebrag>My dissertation was in using multimedia in expository preaching so I'd love to see this and happy to help test.</humblebrag>

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Something like "Inspiration" would be nice.  I don't care so much about the mind mapping as the ease of outlining and working with the outlines.  Something like this in Accordance would keep me in Accordance during most of my study and preparation. 

Link: Outlining Strategy (inspiration-at.com)

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I used stacks where i can drop interesting or relevant bits as i come across them and can reorder them but they are linked so i can go back and reread them. but i really would like it on ipad with the ability to edit and revise and sync so i can work on either platform. 

currently i use apple notes as they are available on both platforms, then copy and paste into word for final formatting and editing before its pdf and put in forScore on the ipad

Edited by ukfraser
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A sermon builder would not work for me as my Acc is in a VM and the clip board does not share.


Will this feature be on the cloud? If so, I would have a few things I would look for but I am using LibreOffice right now. 

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8 hours ago, KevinPurcell said:

Take a close look at Logos Sermon Builder and then do it very differently!! Their solution is too fiddly.


I was waiting to hear feedback like this to see what differences Accordance should make to any sermon builder we’d develop. Thanks for this!

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1 hour ago, Pastor Jonathan said:

Will this feature be on the cloud? If so, I would have a few things I would look for but I am using LibreOffice right now. 


Right now we’re just “brainstorming” based on customer feedback. Ideally, I’d personally like to see something that syncs across Desktop, Mobile, and Cloud so that pastors would be able to access their sermons on any device. We don’t have any specifics to share at the moment (it’d likely be a future major release of Accordance that would include such a feature if/when we decided to add one), but in the meantime, we’re collecting as much feedback from users on what they’d want to see in such a feature.

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9 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:

Ideally, I’d personally like to see something that syncs across Desktop, Mobile, and Cloud so that pastors would be able to access their sermons on any device. We don’t have any specifics to share at the moment 

My preference, and i dont know how easy it is, would be to do this within accordance rather than use an external provider such as drop box. 

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If Accordance was thinking of a sermon builder, I'd prefer it as a separate application/product. I don't want Accordance to do everything—but to do one thing extraordinarily well, help me do deep study of the Bible—in original languages and translation. And to be blazingly fast!


If I was to use a specialised 'sermon builder' application—the feature I'd like is that it has a 'teleprompt' mode (on iPad/iPhone) that automatically drives a slide show. As in, when you're viewing a paragraph or a bullet point on the iPad screen, then automatically the associated slide is displayed on the big screen (via airplay).


(I know you didn't ask for contrary opinions but this is the internet :))

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Thank you for requesting input.


The reason I still use the other software is because of Sermon builder. Here is what I would like to see in Accordance.


1. Database qualities for each sermon.   Date. Occassion, Topic, Passage, multiple passage, identify as a series.

2. Automatically insert passage into Sermon, including being able to change version on the fly. 

3. BE ABLE to EDit the verse that was inserted with indentation, bold, italic, etc.

4. Automatic slide creation on the left, being able to choose backgrounds, export to editable powerpoint, keynote, etc. 

5. A handout feature.

6. A Sermon manager that allows you to upload docx. files from years past.

7. You should be able to sync automatically with cloud, and mobile (as in get a thought in the service during a worship song, go back to office, and make an edit, and by the time you're back on the platform it's updated on mobile) For that matter, be able to edit it on the mobile device. 


In terms of the company "deciding" whether or not to do it, to me, it's like "deciding" whether to hyperlink cross-references. 

Pastors, rabbis, and ministers buy Bible software. Pastors attempt to put together unique and insightful words to their congregants multiple times a week, year after year, decade after decade. Why wouldn't a Bible software company want to help them do something they  DO EVERY WEEK? And for some, several times a week. 


If Accordance insists on ignoring this fact into the future, they will propel young ministers, who become old ministers into other venues that will help them in this task.


I completely understand you cannot be all things to all people, but Accordance has done so many things efficiently over the years, it becomes an elephant in the room that they couldn't also help them manage and USE their content in real time. This gets to the whole need to export created content. i.e. (saving verses into a reference list, then being able to search and EXPORT them to MS word. 


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6 hours ago, Daniel Saunders said:

If Accordance was thinking of a sermon builder, I'd prefer it as a separate application/product. I don't want Accordance to do everything—but to do one thing extraordinarily well, help me do deep study of the Bible—in original languages and translation. And to be blazingly fast!


If I was to use a specialised 'sermon builder' application—the feature I'd like is that it has a 'teleprompt' mode (on iPad/iPhone) that automatically drives a slide show. As in, when you're viewing a paragraph or a bullet point on the iPad screen, then automatically the associated slide is displayed on the big screen (via airplay).


(I know you didn't ask for contrary opinions but this is the internet :))

Yep, definitely a separate app.


however, what you are describing can currently be achieved  with the truly excellent and rock solidly reliable forScore!!!!!
Convert what you want to project to pdf and then from within forScore will scroll pages, you can do it timed but you can use your finger or footpad to move to next page and with shared score mode, it will control other devices (designed for a number of musicians playing together but this is the same thing). You can project a pdf full screen either from adobe menue or keyboard shortcut, i think it was control f4 on windows. (This has been my preferred method of projection of material for over 20 years as i hate, loathe and detest powerless and pointless and avoid using it like the plague. Rant over!)

Edited by ukfraser
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15 hours ago, Nathan Parker said:


I was waiting to hear feedback like this to see what differences Accordance should make to any sermon builder we’d develop. Thanks for this!


My feeling on Sermonbuilder is that it is made for someone who needs "coaching" through their sermon building. It is kind of...um...micro-managing. Honestly I'm not sure I am interested in a sermon builder...but I am interested in hearing how others would like to see one built! 

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1 hour ago, Dan Langston said:

1. Database qualities for each sermon.   Date. Occassion, Topic, Passage, multiple passage, identify as a series.

7. You should be able to sync automatically with cloud, and mobile (as in get a thought in the service during a worship song, go back to office, and make an edit, and by the time you're back on the platform it's updated on mobile) For that matter, be able to edit it on the mobile device. 


I am with Dan on his 1 and 7: database metadata for sermons and editable/sync capabilities. I am not sure if this is a feature of a sermonbuilder or just features needed for Papers. 

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1 hour ago, Gary Pauley said:


I am with Dan on his 1 and 7: database metadata for sermons and editable/sync capabilities. I am not sure if this is a feature of a sermonbuilder or just features needed for Papers

Or stacks!

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Instead of reinventing the word processor, it might be better for Accordance to integrate with existing Office apps such as Word and PowerPoint (and the iOS equivalents), and perhaps even google documents.

  • Allow import of documents, and allow users to tag them within Accordance.
  • Leave the outlining and formatting bells & whistles to the very capable Office apps.
  • Use client-side or server-side macros to pull Accordance data into the Office-app documents.

The most important value-add is probably tagging in Accordance + document importing into Accordance. Metadata-tagging helps manage the library of sermons that accumulate over time. Document-importing might take the form of user tools. But unless Accordance can provide an editing / outlining / presentation environment that rivals the established players, users would likely prefer to use the familiar and well-polished tools (e.g. PowerPoint) for the scribal aspect of preparing sermons.

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Thanks everyone for the feedback!


In terms of us “deciding” on whether we’ll offer a sermon builder or not, the main reason why I used such language is we don’t have anything official to announce at the moment (some feedback requests were asking as if the feature was already implemented or in the process of being implemented short-term). Likely such a feature would be announced in a future major version of Accordance. 


Right now, the goal of this thread is to do some “brainstorming” since I’ve seen requests for a sermon builder come up numerous times in other threads. We’re trying to get some feedback to see what a sermon builder should look like in Accordance and what features pastors would need in a sermon builder. @KevinPurcell’s comment on how we could be unique from other Bible software apps is also beneficial, since instead of implementing the same feature set of other Bible software apps directly, we could bring our own advantages to such a sermon builder.


From the feedback, it does seem that some form of sermon builder feature would certainly be beneficial to pastors. Keep the feedback coming on what else you’d like to see in such a feature. It’s exciting to read!

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FWIW, I’m not interested in a sermon builder. I’m happy for there to be functionality that’s useful to someone else, but I prefer to use for each job the tool I find best suited to it, rather than have one tool that does everything and tries to please everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I use OmniOutliner for just about everything related to writing; the outliner in MS Word is just terrible in comparison. Compatibility with Word is only useful as a lowest common denominator format for interoperability. I use Yojimbo for storing illustrations. I used to use MORE™ which was the best outliner ever created IMHO, and it ran on 3 KB of code. If an outliner similar to MORE were incorporated I would be very interested, otherwise my current workflow of copying and pasting is "good enough". Count me in the group that is not interested in "bloatware". :D

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  • 7 months later...

I enjoyed watching the latest video about sermon preparation.  I understand that Accordance is quick and efficient at studying the text of Scripture quickly and efficiently.  That is exactly what I do when I study a passage.  I keep Accordance open in one desktop, then when I'm ready to organize it into my "Preferred word processor" I go to the next window and put it into the competitors product, where I have a library of sermons for the past 10 years. I put in the demographic information, church, occasion, topic, I type in the Scriptures I've just studied in Accordance and they populate immediately into the sermon.  I choose slides, change the background, and then arrange the manuscript in a way that works for me. I close it down and open my iPad, and BEHOLD! It has syced my sermon,  and there it all is with a customizable timer IN THE COMPETITORS APP.  It is simply that simple.  I have my Bible study work flow in Accordance, I preach with the competitor. Because someone once thought that maybe ministers want to keep track of when and where they preached and find a convenient way to insert Bible text, quotes from their resources, sync with other devices, and organize them over time. 


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What would you need to do to preach with Accordance instead?

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