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I was not sure if I should respond to the post from last year, or start a new thread. I finally decided to start a new thread since the other was also addressing unrelated issues, but the point is, this issue has been going on for a long time, over a year.


My User Bible is split into OT and NT, I thus need to combine them when I upload them.


If I upload the OT, it uploads fine. Then the NT, and it uploads fine.


Then I go to Genesis and try to combine my work, and it can ONLY find the OT. Then I try to open the NT to combine the OT, and it can ONLY find the NT.


It is beyond obnoxious because I have to keep uploading them. EVERY time I upload a user bible I need to upload it 5 to 10 x before it magically decides to show up an option to combine.


Thank you for looking into this,






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Would it be possible to combine them before uploading, i.e. outside of Accordance?

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Hi @docdave,

Unfortunately not. The two texts actually started off as one document and for a host or reasons were eventually split. Also, Accordance can combine texts, so it seems it should work, as opposed to working 10% of the time.


On a related note, if you upload a text, it will auto show the name of the file. Then you confirm the mapping, and then click next, and it asks what you want to call it. Which I always found odd. Do you happen to know why it asks this?


It occurred to me though, that if I upload Jan OT and Jan NT, when I upload the files, confirm mapping, then it asks to name them, I could call them Recent OT and Recent NT, then combine the two recents. Then next month when I upload the file Feb OT and Feb NT, confirm mapping, then name them Recent OT and Recent NT, it would update the those files as the combined text, and I wouldn't need to re-combine every month? As I am typing this out, I think this is a bad idea and probably won't work. I am just sort of confused about the whole thing I guess and hope it can be simplified.


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Remind me about this on Monday, and I’ll have Tech Support take a look.

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