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another darned 14 bug

Leopold Green

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Sorry if others have already asked about this one...


having used Accordance for a little bit and opened a variety of panes I then click into one and get the dread beachball and eventually Accordance says the text which I have clicked into (it is already open) isn't available in Accordance - this then continues and the other panes, containing other resources go white and finally even the warning message is garbled. I attach screenshots - unfortunately this is reproducible and the only option is to force quit Accordance... before v14 I have never even seen the beachball never mind have full crashes...

Any advice? I don't really want to downgrade to v13 but is that the only option?1225237650_CleanShot2022-12-03at10_22.54@2x.thumb.png.5c8ad42753f0239a5ff2a4e55e45b8ca.png185472568_CleanShot2022-12-03at10_21.37@2x.thumb.png.8932d4e3133e6ea51c95551fb93300a4.png

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Are you upgraded to 14.0.2? 

Note: This is one I haven't see on Windows, but I haven't tested on a Mac 

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I've spoken my piece, but I think it's disingenuous to users to have this version available without warning. To me it's still a beta version and now all of its users are beta testers and now there's even more public stress on its programmer(s) to try to squash the bugs. To be fair, the 14.0.2 version is MUCH better than the initial release, but it's still a vexing program to use currently. I know that makes me sound like a grump, but I have a certain set of expectations for stable software and a different set of expectations for beta software.

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yes this is 14.0.2 


I am pretty narked about this - if I made my living or my vocation with Accordance I would be in a difficult position

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could someone from Accordance perhaps advise what I need to do or whether this is something that requires me to downgrade to v13

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Hi @Leopold Green,

I am for sure not from Accordance, but I just wanted to mention that I would personally recommend downgrading for the moment until the program is more stable. There seems to currently be a lot of issues with Tools and Settings in v.14, so even if that box you mentioned goes away, I suspect you would find another issue.




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I am not on Accordance staff.


I went back to Accordance 13. I wonder if you have tried starting in Accordance safe mode, i.e., while pushing the option key. Then you can delete the startup session (and try a few other less drastic measures). 

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I'm just an Accordance user, not Accordance staff.

I'd suggest going back to Accordance 13 but checking back around Christmas.

Make sure you backup your data before each reinstallation, whether downgrading or upgrading.

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I've gone back to Accordance 13 - I think this is a pity and I feel like I am letting 'the side down' - I really hope that they can get v14 to point where it is stable and doesn't crash, etc.,

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11 minutes ago, Leopold Green said:

I've gone back to Accordance 13 - I think this is a pity and I feel like I am letting 'the side down' - I really hope that they can get v14 to point where it is stable and doesn't crash, etc.,


You're not letting any side down by going to a version you can use effectively.


The software world recognises that early-adopters have different expectations from mainstream users: new features vs stability. For now, v.13 is for mainstream users and v.14 is for early adopters. Both versions have their place.

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Just bumping this one back up 


if anyone at Accordance could give an indication when the "the text xxxx not currently available in Accordance" bug might be fixed in version 14.x I would really appreciate it


Many thanks

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On 12/6/2022 at 8:12 AM, Leopold Green said:

Just bumping this one back up 


if anyone at Accordance could give an indication when the "the text xxxx not currently available in Accordance" bug might be fixed in version 14.x I would really appreciate it


Many thanks

I've not had any trouble with this in the post-beta releases of 14, but I have had this error crop up for me occasionally in earlier verses.  Usually the fix is to remove the "lost" item from your library and then re-install it. 

I haven't had many spinning beach balls with 14, either.  

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