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Leaving Accordance


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To my friends in the Accordance Forums,


After much thought and consideration, this morning I’ve submitted my two-week’s notice.


If any of you want to keep in touch, here is my personal contact info:


email: RMansfield@mac.com

phone: (502) 387-6414


Since I had this Accordance forums account long before I was an employee, I hope they will let me keep it (without admin and employee status, of course), so I can drop into conversations now and then.


It has been a pleasure interacting with all of you--some of whom I’ve even had the wonderful opportunity to meet in person--all these years.


I wish you all the best.










UPDATE: after a little negotiation, my last day as an Accordance employee will be Wednesday, November 30. 


This was my suggestion, by the way.

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Sorry to read this.  I wish you blessings.

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I'm so sorry to hear this, Rick! You have been an invaluable asset to Oaktree and each of us on this forum. Also.. happy (early) birthday!


Let's definitely stay in touch.

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God bless on the next chapter of your life. 

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Sorry to see you go, God bless you on your journey.



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48 minutes ago, R. Mansfield said:

To my friends in the Accordance Forums,

After much thought and consideration, this morning I’ve submitted my two-week’s notice.

Coming from the biggest Accordance fan I even knew this is a real shock and I am saddened!

Rick may God richly bless you at whatever path you move on to next!


24 “The Lord bless you and keep you;
25 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
26 The Lord [a]lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.” ’

Numbers 6:24-26 (NKJV)

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 Thank you for all your help and advice and also wish you all of God's blessings in the future.  

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Rick, thanks for your friendship and all you have done for Accordance. Many of us will miss your wit in your posts. 

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Thanks Rick for everything.  As you may well know from our previous conversations, I'm genuinely to going miss your support and help.  


Every blessing. 




Edited by Paul Meiklejohn
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But, but,….who will tease us with snippets and hints about new features and new tools? (hearing this in Pippen's voice from the Peter Jackson LOTR films).


Best wishes for your future endeavors.



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I have really appreciated your valuable help over the years, Rick, and am genuinely sad to see you go. I certainly hope you are able to remain active on the forums, and I wish you all the best with whatever the next chapter of your life brings. 


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Thank you for all of your help through the years, Rick. May the Lord bless you and give you a ministry that uses your talents for the Kingdom.


Soli Deo Gloria!

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Thank you for your wisdom and clarity on so many topics. You will be missed. 


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Thank you for everything, Rick. Best wishes.

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Rick, I add my best wishes—and my regret—to the other voices. May God's richest blessings accompany you.

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Sad news Rick. Sorry to see you go. God bless!

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Rick, sincere thanks for all your contributions with the company and here on the forum. Clearly you have made those contributions as a friend, so as a friend we all wish you Godspeed going forward.

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I also add my appreciation and prayers for you, Rick.  What a blessing you have been for the years I have been using Accordance.

Edited by TYA
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Dear Rick,


it seems one of the worst Accordance 14 bugs... (Just for a little smile in such circumstances)


For everything you did (and will continue) thanks a lot!


May the Lord bestow on you all the graces you need for all your patience and competence you showed and used towards the Accordance users.



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Rick, thank you for all of your help, and for the pleasure of working with you on the BW project. And thanks for always being a great moderator and mediator.

This news is also worrisome and troubling. This week I learned that Accordance was sold and that you are leaving. Given the subtle marketing changes in the past few years, the Acc 14 rollout that wasn’t ready (in my opinion), and the departure of much of the old vanguard, it makes me wonder, what’s going on? I know you won't say, but I wonder if there are some internal problems at Accordance. It’s also troubling news because I don’t like change.

If I could. I would click sad, confused, and thanks with all of my mixed emotions.



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Accordance is a lesser company after this announcement. I am an Accordance customers because of the Rick 14.0 feature and hope they will find a way to include the same functionality in an upcoming update. 😀

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