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Problems after Accordance 14 Update


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Since I updatet Accordance...


I see the Accordance App Symbol, I even See, that Accordance is somewhere open...(I see it when I go with the Mouse over the Accorance Symbol). But I cant open it..if I click on it the Accordance App does not open 😕

So I cant use Accordance after the Update...that is very bad 😕 since I need it!!!



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Is this Windows version? You may need to uninstall and then install v13 and wait on 14 considering all the bugs. I installed on Mac but have since gone back to v13 on one of my macs but set a way to have both v13 and v14 on the other. I don't think that can be done easily in Windows. For my day to day use I'll continue with v13.

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I am doing the same, Larry. ;)


--Joseph the Cautious

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22 hours ago, Dan12 said:

Would be great to get help...since I cant use Accordance like this 😕


When you place your mouse over the Accordance icon and you get the pop up (such as in your attached picture) there should be an X in the upper right corner.  Click the X and that should close down Accordance.  If you have the Accordance shortcut on your desktop,, then just double click it to reopen Aacordance.  Hopefully this makes sense and helps.

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With all of the issues with V14 is it safe to still purchase products without an issue?

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If the window has opened off-screen, try clicking on the icon in the menubar to activate the window, then hold down the windows key and press the left arrow a few times to bring the window into your screen.

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10 hours ago, Luckylou1980 said:

With all of the issues with V14 is it safe to still purchase products without an issue?


Buying new resources is not a problem - you can always download another copy via Easy Install if things go wrong.

It's things like notes curated over many years that people don't want to lose.

If you backup your data before installing V14, then if something goes wrong, you can downgrade to V13 before restoring your data.


Alternatively, store your data outside Accordance, e.g. in a series of files on DropBox. Then if Accordance crashes badly, just uninstall, download, and reinstall. You lose the tight integration for your notes inside Accordance, but you don't lose your notes just because Accordance crashed.

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Thus far I have been able to keep all of my notes . I was even able to re do the color preferences on them. One issue I have that I’m aware of is the instant detail. I’m able to choose bible version for the hyperlinks for the actual Bible ,but in commentaries and other tools the changes won’t stick. 

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8 hours ago, Lawrence said:

If the window has opened off-screen, try clicking on the icon in the menubar to activate the window, then hold down the windows key and press the left arrow a few times to bring the window into your screen.

I tried it nothing is working

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On 11/24/2022 at 10:26 PM, Luckylou1980 said:

With all of the issues with V14 is it safe to still purchase products without an issue?


As Lawrence said, there shouldn't be any issues here. I just took advantage of the -25% sale, installed then opened new items on Acc. 14.01 with no difficulties. 

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I have found that hovering over the Accordance icon and then right clicking on the little pop up windows gives some options. One of these options is "maximize". Left clicking on it seems to bring Accordance onto my monitor when I cannot see it.

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54 minutes ago, Rick55 said:

Have you tried opening up a work space the app should become visible

The workspace opens up in an invisible extra monitor off to the side. Sometimes you can just barely see the edge of it on one monitor, but there is not enough there to be able to grab it and even though the arrow shows up with which you should be able to extend it, it does not. It seems to be more of a problem with my Lenovo T430 then with the Lenovo P70. On the P70, there is usually enough there to maximize it in the space or it has spread out over a couple of monitors

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This just started with v.14, correct? Several people have mentioned this, so I assume it is a bug they are aware of and will address. In the meantime, however, it might help to use a saved workspace. Size the window how it should be, then save it as a workspace, then in the Accordance General preferences, have the startup to be this specific workspace which is sized correctly.


I hope this helps,



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4 minutes ago, Kristin said:


This just started with v.14, correct? Several people have mentioned this, so I assume it is a bug they are aware of and will address. In the meantime, however, it might help to use a saved workspace. Size the window how it should be, then save it as a workspace, then in the Accordance General preferences, have the startup to be this specific workspace which is sized correctly.


I hope this helps,




being off screen just started with v 14. In 13, it sometimes spreads out over 2 or 3 monitors. It also does that in v 14

I get an error when I try to save a workspace




currently I have it set to open the last session

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Hi @Erhard,

Wow, not being able to save a workspace is for sure a problem. This is just a thought, but I think "English Study" is one of the workspaces Accordance comes with, as opposed to user created. Could you try saving it with a totally different name? It is a long shot, but I know that when modules have the same name (and oddly, sometimes if they have similar names) it can cause issues.



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13 minutes ago, Kristin said:

Hi @Erhard,

Wow, not being able to save a workspace is for sure a problem. This is just a thought, but I think "English Study" is one of the workspaces Accordance comes with, as opposed to user created. Could you try saving it with a totally different name? It is a long shot, but I know that when modules have the same name (and oddly, sometimes if they have similar names) it can cause issues.



I saved it by naming it Test, it shows up in explorer but Accordance does not see it when I look for it in favorites for the workspace to open. It just shows the other options. For me, maximizing it in the pop up works fine until they fix the problem. Thanx for trying. 🙂

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Hi @Erhard,

Just one quick thing I would like to add, as completely unrelated to v.14, saving workspaces can sometimes be a little convoluted. I know from experience that if you do the "save as" and save a workspace, it will save, it, but you ALSO need to click the "Add Current Workspace" under the workspaces tab, which I often forget to do. If you go into your documents and double click on "Test" it should bring up the workspace and then you can save it by adding the current workspace (which then makes it show in the library.


In any case, hopefully they will resolve that bug soon.




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Hi Kristen

Thanx for that information.

On the P 70 the "Test" workspace still opened across a couple of monitors, pretty much the same as the standard "last session" workspace. I will have to see what it does on the other computers to see if it helps there.


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Hi @Erhard,

I see. So if I understand correctly, you set the "Test" to the correct size, press "save as" while it is at the correct size (it will ask if you want to overwrite, ad you can say 'yes').


But nonetheless, when you open "Test" it totally ignores how you sized it. Is this correct?




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10 minutes ago, Kristin said:

Hi @Erhard,

I see. So if I understand correctly, you set the "Test" to the correct size, press "save as" while it is at the correct size (it will ask if you want to overwrite, ad you can say 'yes').


But nonetheless, when you open "Test" it totally ignores how you sized it. Is this correct?




Hi @Kristin

Yes that is correct. It opens up across 2 of my 3 monitors and even extends past the end of the left monitor

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Hi @Erhard,

That is for sure a bug then. :( Hopefully it will be resolved soon. I don't like how the program naturally opens in full screen, but I suppose I should be grateful that it is limited to full screen.


Take care,



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I would think that the program should open the way that you tell it to. If it is set to "last session", which is what I normally have, then if it is full screen, it should open full screen. If it is a partial screen, it should open that way and if you have work spaces and tabs open on 2 or 3 monitors, it should open those in the same positions. Whatever the last session was, it should open that way.

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