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Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia versions

frate Basilio

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I want to understand which is the difference between these hebrew BHS versions:


1) Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with Apparatus and tagging

2) Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with ETCBC Morphology (Apparatus)

3) Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with ETCBC Morphology (Text)

4) Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia with ETCBC Morphology for Apparatus (Text)


I already have in my Accordance library the items 2),3) and 4). So is it worthy/necessary to purchase also the item 1)?


Thank you for your help



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Cf. @R. Mansfield's link above, but as an example...

I have HMT-W4 and ETCBC.

Here are the two texts in parallel of Gen 1.1-8 with Compare activated:


As you can see, there looks to be many differences, but the difference is in the coding, not the text itself. (At least in my small sample of comparison.)

E.g., using טוֹב in 1.4, right click and doing a lexeme search in HMT-W4 > 489 hits for the 1-טוֹב word. טוֹב־1=

Doing the same right click, lexeme search in ETCBC > 44 hits for טוב

Why the huge difference? It depends on whether the word is identified as an adjective or verb.

So, it may helpful to have both when searching to try to cover all the possibilities.

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I asked this question not long ago. It is a bit of a maze. But, after understanding, it’s a reasonable solution to a difficult problem. 


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17 hours ago, mgvh said:

Cf. @R. Mansfield's link above, but as an example...

I have HMT-W4 and ETCBC.

Here are the two texts in parallel of Gen 1.1-8 with Compare activated:


As you can see, there looks to be many differences, but the difference is in the coding, not the text itself. (At least in my small sample of comparison.)

E.g., using טוֹב in 1.4, right click and doing a lexeme search in HMT-W4 > 489 hits for the 1-טוֹב word. טוֹב־1=

Doing the same right click, lexeme search in ETCBC > 44 hits for טוב

Why the huge difference? It depends on whether the word is identified as an adjective or verb.

So, it may helpful to have both when searching to try to cover all the possibilities.

Than you so much, mgvh. Very helpfull!

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3 hours ago, A. Smith said:

I asked this question not long ago. It is a bit of a maze. But, after understanding, it’s a reasonable solution to a difficult problem. 


Thank you A. Smith. I've read all the notes and I think I see better now what is the next step to do.

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17 hours ago, R. Mansfield said:

This question was answered well enough here a few months back that I keep a permanent link to it in my notes 🙂 

Thank you so much R. Mansfield. I've read all the questions and answers about this topic and I can see the hight difficult, but also I can see a path to follow. Thank you!

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