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Additional Parallels


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@Mark Allison and all who read this. 


I would love to have additional Parallels. I have searched in the web, but I didn't find what I want. If someone can provide material I would be happy.

I found very often discussions about the similarities of the Quran and the Bible, but most are more a discussion or paper than a useful chart table.


  • Inner Quranical Parallel. Similarities between the stories of the different Suras.
  • Parallel between Bible and Quran
  • Parallel between Bible and Talmud 
  • Parallel Extra Biblical texts with the Bible
  • (add your wishes too)





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I'd love to see the same thing. Please pass on in the info if anyone finds these sort of parallels. 

Edited by Mark Allison
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This is another Qur'an with Biblical reference notes.




Like @Fabian, I'm not seeing any plain chart-style books or reference works. Nevertheless, some of these look really good, especially


Gabriel Said Reynolds, The Qur'an and the Bible (Yale University Press, 2018)

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  • 2 weeks later...



The NET Bible has also a synopis. https://bible.org/sites/bible.org/files/ntsynopsis_download_ebook.pdf There is a lot of content which is NOT in the NET Notes in Accordance. Sorry but again the modules of Accordance miss content. 


A German one. http://evangelienharmonie.de/Valtorta/mvha.html 



Edited by Fabian
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@Mark Allison


Bible and Qumran 

I don't know if the DSSBE-Notes SHOULD have it. If there was an Appendix.


But I can say the https://www.amazon.com/Dead-Sea-Scrolls-New-Translation/dp/006076662X have it in the Appendix.


To images 




Best you ask Martin Abegg.

Edited by Fabian
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello @Mark Allison


It is not finished, but https://www.answering-islam.org/Index/Stories/index.htm would be a good starting point. The biblical references are missing and John the Baptist, Mary, Jesus, and his disciples.

Maybe they have more prepared but not uploaded.


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Hello @Mark Allison


The Bridge Quran has 3000 references to the Bible. https://bridgestocommonground.org/the-quran/


The company behind. https://bridgestocommonground.org/contact-us/


Some resources are on https://bridgestocommonground.org/jesus-in-the-quran/


May they can compile a table what you need.

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If you search the internet for "Contradictions Quran" you find also a lot of material.

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