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User Endorsements


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We're looking for a few user endorsements for Accordance to use in emails, web pages, social media, etc. If you'd be willing to offer two or three sentences about why you like Accordance, please post them here or email me direct at RMansfield@accordancebible.com.


Your support of Accordance Bible Software is greatly appreciated!


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I have been using Accordance for too many years to count. The reasons I love it are the speed with which it works, the ubiquity (MacOs, Windows, iOS, & Android natively), and most importantly, the customer service (I have never had a company take such great care of me as a customer!!)


Hope this helps.

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Why do I so love and advocate for Accordance Bible Software? Five reasons immediately come to mind: (1) The company strives for quality and quality control in all that they do; (2) They prioritize developing resources for academics; (3) They prioritize original language resources and tagged texts; (4) The program is fast even on machines that are several years old; and (5) The employees and developers are enthusiastic users of the program, too. This combination of characteristics and priorities makes a huge difference!

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I only expect great things from great products. Accordance is one of them.

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Using Accordance has been a night and day difference for my personal Bible study, theological research, and how I teach my students the biblical texts. I could not recommend the program higher to anyone who wants to deepen their understanding of the Bible or is involved in highly technical research of the original languages.

- Kristin

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deleted because my original intent is too old to bring up again. 

Edited by Pastor Jonathan
Deleted a reference to an old discussion.
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My endorsement:



Why Accordance? Two words, "Original Languages". Nothing else, for speed, ease of use, and elegancy comes close. 

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I can study passages in multiple translations side by side so very easily. I can take notes on those passages and save information on the passages from commentaries and other sources right on the same "screen."

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Even as a relatively new user (I just started using Accordance a little over a year ago), I have been impressed by how powerful the software is, yet with such a mild learning curve. Accordance makes frequent biblical study a breeze, offering a fantastic array of resources and features which simplify what might otherwise be exhausting tasks.


I'll highlight one of my favorites: The extensive link tags in commentaries and books allow for instant referral not only to biblical and apocryphal texts, but also to pseudepigraphal texts, the Qur'an, Josephus, Herodotus, Aristotle, assorted lexica, grammars, and others---without you having to dig through the chapters! Accordance also allows users to create user tools...and stock them full of links, too!


More importantly, the Accordance Dev team is always on top of things: They respond to reported issues quickly and they skillfully balance cutting-edge feature implementation with compatibility for long-standing modules.


"two or three sentences" -- R. Mansfield, 2022

Edited by Andrew Patterson
I'm long-winded
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Accordance Bible Software is both incredibly powerful and incredibly easy to use. It is the perfect Bible study companion. 

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I've been using Accordance since version 1. The efficacy of Accordance has proven itself time and again equally through seminary, my PhD work, and in the pulpit. My training and faith journey as well as my pastoral ministry have been better for it.



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Thank you, everyone, for your posts. No company could possibly have better users. 


By the way, my initial thought in asking for these was to offer a small credit for each endorsement. However, I realized that would make them solicited and less genuine. So, you are all greatly appreciated!

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Or, would you prefer one with double-entendre? 😀


I am writing to recommend Accordance Bible software with no qualifications whatsoever.

You would indeed be fortunate to get this software to work for you. I can assure you that no software would be better for your study needs. The Accordance support staff are unbelievable; they could not care less about how much effort they put into solving your issues. All in all, I cannot say enough good things about Accordance or recommend it too highly.  I would urge you to waste no time in purchasing Accordance. 



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On 2/4/2022 at 5:52 PM, Michel Gilbert said:

I only expect great things from great products. Accordance is one of them.



I don’t think you will use my simple endorsement (and it doesn’t matter), but I thought of it this way: I buy great farm tools and expect them to do great things, like x-brand truck, x-brand tractor and implements, x-brand chainsaw, trimmer, mower, etc., and they do great things and more. I put Accordance in the same category as these tools, which to me is the ultimate endorsement of your product.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks again, everyone, for your endorsements. I am in the process of compiling them today. If you would like a title after your name, or a last name included if you only use a first name here, please message me directly.


That is to say, if you don't want to put any title or designation to go with your name, I'll just refer to you as "Accordance user" 🙂 

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@R. Mansfield,


P.M. sent. 

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