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What happened to the Import User Tool feature?


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I loved the feature that imports PDF files and creates a user tool. I used it to import books that I have in PDF form and made it an Accordance module. It used to work amazingly and preserved the formatting of the book very well (though not perfectly), and It would sense the book's content and match it in the contents bar. 

But now the tool works atrociously. The formatting is ALL over the place, and it doesn't create a contents bar anymore, it only lists the page numbers you can jump to.

Why did it become this bad, and can one fix this without painstaking manually editing the tool for the whole book?


I attached a comparison of Reformed Systematic Theology in PDF and how it appeared in the user tool. Notice the bad formatting and the contents bar doesn't organize the contents. 1680448652_reformedaccordance1.thumb.png.3edaa8662ba0ce1b367fb86e4ee328fc.png633962326_reformedPDF1.png.7b07ace8acdab2a16d0260964d5e4167.png1696710904_reformedaccordance2.thumb.png.e44d6f92eac5a486881b58dc199f5bc1.png920814105_reformedPDF2.thumb.png.7389137b08649dda0af6b8d57af0ab06.png

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I see two bugs here. 


1. The one I also reported and is the same bug as you import a HTML. = Image one.

This should be improved in a future version of Accordance. The problem is also, if you decide to make the format as it is in the original and you open the User Tool later. It's all messed up again. Very frustrating. @Silas Marrs is informed from my side, hopefully he has time in the future to solve the bugs.


2. The TOC. This is something nearly all PDF to Word converter don't perfect. If the TOC is made in Word with the automatic TOC feature the TOC in the PDF is not done with a line ending marker. Maybe Silas can do a fix otherwise the TOC has to be adapted by you.



As two long requests: 

1. Please support internal links in the User Tools. For example active TOC, Footnotes, Endnotes, etc. 

2. Please support the page numbers in the PDF and make it searchable like in the Accordance tools. 


3. I have requested other features for User Tools like support for Base64 HTML, full unicode, Commentary features, Journal feature, etc. etc. All is finding in the feature request forums.

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6 hours ago, Fabian said:

1. Please support internal links in the User Tools. For example active TOC, Footnotes, Endnotes, etc.

Or in some other format for user-created Tools that might appear on Accordance 14.

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