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Search and Export User Notes


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My notes are extensive and largely useless. 

I can't search them and I spend much time trying to find things without rudimentary tools. 

Without rudimentary tools I want to export the text, then use other simple apps that do have search, but I can't export but in small portions. 

I would like both search capability for User notes and full note file export. 

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Hi @smf360,

What you said about the lack of export is true, and it is unfortunately a major production to export by hand. However, the notes do have search capability.


While they do not appear in Research (I think they should and hope Accordance adds this), you can search them by opening the note file as a new tab. Once the note is in its own tab you can set the search to "words" and then type in whatever key word and it will find the word you searched.


I hope this helps some,



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@Kristin is correct--if you open your notes up separately, they can be searched by Reference, Article, or Content. Once User Notes are converted over to full Unicode, they will be searchable in Research, too. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I can't figure out how three things:

1) @R. Mansfieldmentioned that Notes are searchable in Research. I don't see how to open them in Research.

2) If I try to copy all my notes, I get this error message: "No more than 500 verses (or paragraphs in a tool) can be copied at one time. In order to export all of the selected text, use the "Save Text Selection" menu item. So, to avoid this copy limit I have set up a few different notes files w/ different foci. Is there any way to search all my notes files at one time? (For now, it seems I have to search them one at a time.)

3) I can't where to "Save Text Selection." The File > Save as Text File is grayed out and not available.

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Hi @mgvh,

1) Notes are not currently searchable in Research, but if I understand correctly, they will be when the new version comes out.

2) That is for sure true about the 500 verse limit, and I have been painstakingly exporting my notes by hand. I am not aware of a better way. Dividing the notes (something I also have had to do to make it stop crashing), prevents you from searching them all at the same time. However, this should be resolved when Notes are included in Research, if I understand correctly.


3) Any practical export is grayed out over here too, which is why I am doing it by hand. It is a lot of work and time consuming, but it is giving me the chance to sort of clean house at the same time.

I know this isn't super helpful, but hopefully it clarifies some of the stuff you have been experiencing. I really love notes, so while I have been exporting them all, I have also been creating some. :) I am careful though to make sure that new stuff I add has a backup in Numbers.


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@KristinThanks. Yes, I've been following your frustrations. My workaround for now has been to open a note file in a tab, then print to PDF. Then, if you have the full Adobe Acrobat, you can convert PDF to a Word DOC.

Looking forward to the new version, though...

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Hi @mgvh, that's great you have been able to do that. I unfortunately let my notes get so large that my Mac cut me off and said it would only print to Gen 17:4. 😕 So I for sure learned the hard way to be mindful how much I write.

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16 hours ago, mgvh said:

1) @R. Mansfieldmentioned that Notes are searchable in Research. I don't see how to open them in Research.


Notes will be available to Research once they are converted over to Unicode. Currently, they do not work with Research.

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@R. MansfieldI guess my question is whether there is a way to convert to Unicode now, or is it that a forthcoming feature?

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On 1/11/2022 at 5:48 PM, R. Mansfield said:


Notes will be available to Research once they are converted over to Unicode. Currently, they do not work with Research.

It's not the opposite? User Notes, the newer .amynotes one are in unicode since 11.1. But Research is not capable now. 

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12 hours ago, Fabian said:

It's not the opposite? User Notes, the newer .amynotes one are in unicode since 11.1. But Research is not capable now. 


Perhaps I'm not remembering correctly the particulars. Perhaps @Silas Marrs could clarify. I know that Research returns results for me in User Tools but not User Notes. From my understanding, I thought that User Notes were not yet fully unicode compatible, but I could be mistaken.

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  • 6 months later...

Any update on the Unicode-upgrade process? I know it is somewhat Sisyphean, but I want to check in anyway. 

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