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iOS drops lines

Rick Conklin

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Hi guys,


This happens on my iPhone everyday.  FYI my iPhone7 is on iOS13.2.  I’m on Accordance for iOS 3.04


See photos. This is from Eph chapt 4 in the ESV.


The display drops one or more lines. There’s a gap, ie white space.


If I turn (rotate) the phone, the lines come back


Can this be fixed?


Rick Conklin

Wichita, KS



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I've experienced this as well. That and oddly skipping whole sections. Today Phil 2.17 was followed by 4.3 on iPadOS.

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I had this last year on my iPhone too. After an update the bug was solved.





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I've experienced this recently on iPad OS with a parallel Bible. Next time it happens I'll screenshot it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've experienced this pretty consistently for several months. Sometimes the verse is missing with space sometimes without space.

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This bug was fixed as Fabian said but now it’s back again and I’m getting the same problem...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry I've not responded to this yet.


I'll look into the issue more fully.

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This bug was fixed as Fabian said but now it’s back again and I’m getting the same problem...


I second this problem.

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Not fixed so far as I can tell. Everything is up to date as far as I know.


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I have experienced this with tools as well as with texts.

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  • 4 weeks later...

It is the next in the queue.

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That's great, thanks Graham,


I've noticed that sometimes the dropped lines will leave a blank gap in the text, like the screen shots above, but somtimes text is just missing in a block of text with no blank gap. So verses will jump from 8 to 11, missing out verses 9 and 10, or whatever text is in the dropped lines, the workaround as above is to turn the iPhone or iPad to the side and back again to refresh. I guess this is the same problem, just manifesting itself slightly differently.


Thanks Paul  

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I have also experienced what paul is describing this morning twice in quick succession.





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Could you all, if you can remember and/or run into this again, let me know what direction you're scrolling when you run into this issue? (Fraser, your issue, though still bad, is of another kind)


I think I've found (and potentially fixed) some bad logic around scrolling/paging backwards through a text. I'd like to say we've squashed this bug for now, but if you're finding it while scrolling forward then I need to keep on looking.

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It happens to me fairly regularly as I scroll downwards, reading through books (I'm currently reading M. Bird's Gospel of the Lord), much less frequently in Scripture texts. Typically what will happen is that I'll come to a point where the text no longer makes sense. I.e., there is no visible break in the text, but lines go missing and previous lines merge in with the following. If I change to another resource then go back to the book, the text is restored. 

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Could you tell me your device, orientation, text size, and if you’ve found a place where it happens consistently? Even if you don’t have the latter I can use the rest to get closer to a consistently repeatable event I can debug.



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Hi Graham,


I have a third generation iPad Air running on 13.3. I use it with the length as the width (i.e., with the power button on the side as opposed to the bottom—I hope this makes sense). Text size is 16 point. The works where I've seen it the most are the resource mentioned above, by M. Bird, as well as Wurthwein's The Text of the Old Testament. I can't specify a place beyond that, but I've been reading through each book pretty much sequentially, cover to cover. I can easily come across it a couple times in one reading.


I hope that helps!

Edited by Donald Cobb
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Scrolling forward in portrait orientation, both iPhone and iPad. iPad locked, so to see missing text I have to unlock and go to landscape. Sometimes it then works, other times, returning to portrait causes the lines to go missing again.

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I've found and fixed a fairly significant bug causing a number of these issues. It will be included in 3.0.7 (and it's concomitant beta).

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've found and fixed a fairly significant bug causing a number of these issues. It will be included in 3.0.7 (and it's concomitant beta).


How long will it be before 3.0.7 comes out? Hardly a day goes by without this bug impacting me. :-( Sometimes it's just annoying, but other times it is kind of embarrassing because I didn't realize it in time (i.e., when I'm reading out loud in front of a group). If I recognize the problem, I will interrupt myself and switch versions to fix the problem. There are other times, when I'm under a little pressure or I'm using a language not so familiar with me, where it takes longer to notice. It has come to the point that, even when there's not a problem, I'm always on my guard when using Accordance for iOS. I used to say proudly that I'm using Bible software. Now, I'm frequently apologizing because I'm using Bible software. :-(

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How long will it be before 3.0.7 comes out? Hardly a day goes by without this bug impacting me. :-( Sometimes it's just annoying, but other times it is kind of embarrassing because I didn't realize it in time (i.e., when I'm reading out loud in front of a group). If I recognize the problem, I will interrupt myself and switch versions to fix the problem. There are other times, when I'm under a little pressure or I'm using a language not so familiar with me, where it takes longer to notice. It has come to the point that, even when there's not a problem, I'm always on my guard when using Accordance for iOS. I used to say proudly that I'm using Bible software. Now, I'm frequently apologizing because I'm using Bible software. :-(


After re-reading this, I recognize that it seems kind of harsh. So, please accept my apologies: I am sincerely thankful that you have provided the iOS app at at all (and also no extra cost).


I originally came to Accordance in 2009 for use on the mac. Using Accordance on the mac completely changed my life because it gave me such amazing access to the whole Bible and to other texts as well.


When the iOS version came out, I downloaded my whole library because I loved the idea of having it with me on my iPad and my iPhone. But, I didn’t realize at the time that it was going to be much more for me than a book reading app.


My usage of Accordance has changed a lot over time and especially in the last few years: I now use it on the mac and on iOS pretty much every day. On the mac, it’s a combination of daily devotion and preparation for Bible studies and for speaking. On iOS, it’s a combination of daily devotion, book reading, discipleship aid and speaking aid.


So, the iOS app has evolved from a cool book reading app to something that I use all the time in many different ways. Re-reading my complaint made me realize how I’ve gotten so dependent on it and yet I’ve completely forgotten to be thankful that it is available at all. The fact that it is available for free is a bonus, but considering how helpful it has been, I would gladly have paid for it.


Please accept my apologies (and my thanks)!

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Amen to everything Chuck wrote in the previous post. To all the folks at Accordance, thanks!

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