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Join me (Dr. J) in this study of the Ethiopian’s conversion (Acts 8:26-40). This podcast digs deeper into the passage, determining its limit, establishing its literary and geographical context, and investigating  unclear and unknown items in the passage. The study is a good model of how to use the Info Pane quickly and efficiently.



Watch the video here: https://www.accordancebible.com/Philip-and-Ethiopian


Thanks again Dr. J for another outstanding lesson. I hope you will continue to produce lessons on "Lighting the Lamp." I love to see how others use Accordance for lesson preparation.

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Thanks, Randy!


These studies are always a special challenge. How do I offer solid insights into a passage, model good study techniques, and fit it all into a 10-15 minute podcast? I suppose it's the same sort of challenge faced by preachers/teachers everywhere, except that I have an even smaller time frame.


I appreciate your feedback. I miss teaching face-to-face, as that way I get to see the impact of the lesson. There is also no opportunity to follow up questions, interaction with students, and (of course!) coffee out together after class. Thanks for taking time to share. It helps.

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Maybe you could make these studies in multiple parts. Just a thought. Thanks again.


Dr. J,


May I suggest you plan some podcasts using some of the tools that will be offered in advance of their release or upcoming sale. For instance, I consider the SIL Exegetical Summary Series to be a remarkable resource. Rick has an extremely well done at the product description page <https://www.accordancebible.com/store/details/?pid=SIL%20Exegetical%20Summary>,but I was thinking about integrating it with your selection of a passage to study. This would not only provide an insight into how one could study the Bible but demonstrate some tools that many might want if they only knew its power.


Just a suggestion. 


Good idea, Tony!


We're publishing so many new resources now that I'm having trouble keeping up with them. The SIL caught my eye though, as I've been working with Wycliffe myself a bit. I'll try to work it in.

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