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When will help be updated to Version 10 Screenshots and content


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I just recently upgraded to Version 10 and am trying to [re]learn it. I've noticed some problems with the Help.


In areas dealing with 'Panes' and Text Amplification, the screen shots are not showing Version 10.1.3 screens. They are showing older screens and showing screens with the 'Resource Pallette' -- According to help 'Resource Pallette' was removed in 10!


Some of the instructions in Help are incorrect such as the tip of printing an article in (/05_dd/the_tool_browser_and_tool_pane.htm).

The correct method is discussed here: http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7491 [Will need to verify this evening.]


As a new Version 10 User who is trying to use help to learn how to do things it has been mildly frustrating.


While using 'Help' should I compile areas where there are erroneous Screenshots and send that information to Accordance - or are you already aware and we're waiting for an update.


I would be happy to help in this way.






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We are constantly updating the Help, and you can check the online version for the latest rev which should soon be updated again. However, it's a massive job to update all the images, so our initial plan is to update the changed features and leave for later the features in which the changes are simply cosmetic.

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Helen - Is there Help to download and use when offline? I couldn't find it in Support.

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That all makes sense. I would definitely support the effort to update content, such as, the print article and removing references to 'Resource Palette', etc.


If I come across content/functionality issues, I'm happy to post them -- but I'm sure you already have a long, time consuming list.


Have a great weekend.



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Julie: The help is already on your computer, accessed whenever you do Help menu -> Accordance help. The actual files are located within the Accordance bundle.

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Thanks, Joel. I went offline and got a nearly blank page with no contents, no index, only the little spinning gray thingy when I did a search. Where are the files located exactly? Is there some way I could have downloaded Accordance and missed them?

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Are you running your help on Mountain Lion Safari? This has been a previously reported issue. See my prior response:


There seems to be an issue with 10.8 Mountain Lion's security settings on Safari. We are hoping that Apple will resolve this situation soon, but there are a couple of solutions:

1) Use our regularly updated online help, available at http://accordancefiles2.com/helpfiles/OSXV10/Default.htm.
2) Use an alternative browser, such as Firefox or Chrome.
3) Enable Safari's 'Develop' menu via Preferences -> Advanced -> Show Develop menu in menu bar. From the Develop menu, select 'Disable local filerestrictions'. This is the most advanced, and potentially not ideal for your situation, so I recommend choices (1) or (2).


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Yep - Mountain Lion + Safari. I was able to get to the help in Firefox. I there any vulnerability problem with solution 3)? Safari is my default browser.

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It depends on what you mean by vulnerability problem. It basically prevents any sort of locally hosted webpage from accessing other files on your filesystem. Now, this prevents legitimate sites like our help from working. But, it also in theory prevents any security holes that may occur, if you were to load a bad javascript page from your drive.



So, its more secure, but to the extent of preventing reasonable computer access. In the end its up to you - security or liberty? :D (Sorry had to get political! :) )

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I'm very careful what I download. I have Java disabled in Safari, but not JavaScript (do I need it?). I like Safari, but really haven't used the others much. Is there a good reason to switch to a different browser? (Features, security?)


I don't might your getting political, but just don't get me started. I do things like yell at the TV and radio. I've been known to mute the TV, cover my eyes and plug my ears, or even threaten to leave the room when some politicians appear on the screen. Wish I could just not care. So I try to pray and trust the One who is really in charge of this whole thing. And I try to stay informed without becoming immersed (and depressed).

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Javascript I find much more important for browsing the web than Java. Its foundational for almost any webpage that has any complexity, including these forums.


I personally do still use and like Safari, but I'm still on 10.6 that doesn't have the 10.8 issues.

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Hi All,


First of all I just wanted to thank you for your comments and input. I've actually been spending the past couple of weeks updating the graphics and hope to have a new version of the Help uploaded to the website shortly.


In between versions, the latest version of the Help can be accessed here: http://accordancefiles2.com/helpfiles/OSXV10/Default.htm


Could you please tell me where you saw reference to the "Resource Palette" in other than the Index and release notes? I've done a through search of the Help in a variety of ways and cannot locate that problem.


I have updated the topic you all referred to (pictures and text), and appreciate the corrections. It will be in the next version of the Help (on the website in a few days).


Please do feel free to let me know if you catch an error. It's people like you who have helped me to make a Help system that is useful.


Thanks again!



Edited by Deborah Hemstreet
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Hi Deborah:


Just to make sure this content is updated correctly:


Topic: Example: Locate and Print a Specific Article or Section in a Tool

Help File: /05_dd/the_tool_browser_and_tool_pane.htm


[Correct] Steps:
1. Article selection is now accessed via the gear menu in the right hand corner of the window- just right of the font size change icons - that is: Articles is accessed via the 'Show Text as . . ' menu item after clicking on the gear icon [Very Important!]
2. Option-click on the 'Introduction to 1 John' or the articles you want in the browser (so it has a red bar beside it)
3. Press return or click the Search button
4. Print

Consolidated from: http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=7491

Someone else solved it, I am indebted to them!


Still looking for where I saw the Resource Pane... I didn't copy down the path I took.





Edited by RPat
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Hi Rich,


Just wanted you to know a new version of the Help has been posted on the site. You won't see a change in version number as it is still for V 10.1.3, but if you go to the topic you will see it updated with the correct terminology, etc.


I've updated a LOT of other stuff too, but there is always more to do. I think I've gotten most of the graphics updated, but again, if you see something, feel free to let me know.


I hope this helps.





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Hi, Deborah,


Along similar lines, it's not in the help files, but the home page for the blog still has a left sidebar that says "Version 9 News Items." To be fair, it does go to v. 9 news items, but I wonder if there are v. 10 news items to highlight from the blog's front page instead?

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Hi Abram, I'll have to leave that for others to answer. I honestly don't know as I only work on the Help. But I'm sure someone will get back to you on this shortly.

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News items for 10 are now blog posts, and you can filter them to see the News items in the pop-up menu.

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Just to let you know, the new help that is posted online looks great! I went through a few topics of interest and it looks really good.





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