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General, Reference, or English - WHY?


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What are the distinctions between general tools, reference tools, and english tools? They seem to be completely random.


For example, Photo Guide is under "English Tools." Took me a long time to find that one.


Reference tools _seem_ to be things like Notes and commentaries, but then stuff like "hard sayings" and "word pictures" are in there.


General Tools _seems_ to be books to read and such, but then Josephus Notes is in there.


So the best I can tell is that Accordance randomly assigns modules to various places in hopes that I will not be able to find them and will purchase them again :-)


Seriously, why the division and what is the rhyme or reason behind it all?


I can understand one for "tools" that you display inline with a text, like the NA27 apparatus and the translation notes, or a commentary, and one category for everything else. With three I get lost and confused.


Any help understanding this would be wonderful.



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Hi Joel,


Check out the Accordance Help and click on Consulting Study Aids on the left sidebar, then Tools for an explanation. It's not really chaos!


The training DVD also explains the differences between the categories pretty well.


J. P.


p.s. I think in a very few cases, a module was recategorized in an update. Don't know which, off-hand.

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Thanks for the link to the blog entry, that was _very_ helpful.


The accordance blog is an amazing thing. I wish I had the time to read it every day...



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It's really simple:

Tools that are organized by words, i.e. alphabetical, in their main section, are in Greek, Hebrew, or English tools, tools that are organized by the Bible books and references are Reference tools, and everything else is a General tool.

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