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Ezra 8:17 in BHS-W4

Jonathan Kiel

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Hi folks,


My advisor pointed out an interesting form in a codex BHS, and I noticed that Accordance did not match. Just wanted throw this out to the group to see if I'm missing something!


The question involves the first word of Ezra 8:17. The vocalization of the Kethib form in the printed BHS is וָאֲוַּצֶאה . The Qere form is ואצוה. Accordance vocalizes the Kethib form as וָאוֹצִאָה .


Is there a reason why the vocalization in the printed edition of BHS-4 is not used? (Admittedly, I have trouble parsing the form, but still, I thought the module was supposed to be a facsimile of the printed edition).


Thanks for any help!


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It depends which text you are using. BHS-T is supposed to match the printed Stuttgartensia, but any errors should be reported to corrections (at) accordancebible (dot) com. (There is no codex BHS as codex implies an old manuscript.)


HMT-W4, our tagged text from the Groves Center, is edited by them to correspond with their reading of the Leningrad Codex and differs slightly from the Stuttgartensia. Our previous BHS-W4 was actually the constantly edited and deviating version of the HMT-W4, and not a true BHS, which is why we have now changed the name.

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BHS prints a hybrid form in its main text, consisting of the Kethiv consonants together with the Qere vowels. That's what the form וָאֲוַּצֶאה is. Note that the vowel pointings are the same as those of the vocalized Qere form in Accordance [וָ][אֲצַוֶּה]. This is a way of indicating to the reader that something is not quite right and that they need to look in the margin to find the Qere form. I don't have BHS-T, so correct me if I'm wrong, but I have always assumed that the Kethiv is always printed in the electronic text with its "normal" vocalization, alongside the Qere with its vocalization, and the hybrid form is just missing (e.g. תְנוּאוּן [תְנִיאוּן in Numbers 32:7; pardon the missing bracket). The way I understand it, this is intentional in the electronic text, not an error.


Notice also that the apparatus in BHS specifies the vocalization of K, and it matches the vocalization of K in Accordance.

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BHS-T doesn't follow the same axiom as that of HMT-W4, whose practice was, as you described, to reproduce the K pointing with the radicals of Q. It's my hope that in the future we can add support for multiple tagging (thus both K/Q can be tagged), as well as format BHS-T to cohere with that of BHS print edition.

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Hi Jonathan,

I can't add the scholarship or the background any better than above, but I have included a screen capture if HMT-W4 and BHS-T so you can see the difference. The Qere form of the BHS-T is in the Instant Details box



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Thanks all for the help!


Turns out, my issue was not knowing that Accordance's BHW-W4 (still haven't upgraded to 10) is tagged with a different vocalization than the printed BHS. That was easy.


And thanks for pointing out the apparatus. I was in a hurry and didn't both to look! I'm grateful for Accordance and the knowledge provided in this online community.



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our great pleasure to be of help. That's what the forums are for. So many of us have had exactly the same questions, and have appreciated others helping us. Plus we do come across questions we haven't thought about and so learn!

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