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Graph Display Options

David Lang

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In a recent series of posts to the Accordance blog, I've been exploring some of the new graphing features of version 7. In each post, I've customized the appearance of the graphs in some way, so someone recently asked the following question: it seems like you regularly pick certain options to make your graph look nice; why not set those as a default?.


I responded as follows:

If you're asking why we didn't use Area graphs or some other display option as the default for Accordance, the answer is that we stuck with what our users were already familiar with: Bar graphs, white backgrounds, etc. I was the one who pushed for adding Area and Line graphs, but it didn't even occur to me to suggest that they should become the program defaults.


While I think sticking with the original look was the right decision, I'm curious to hear which of the new display options you all prefer. Do you prefer area or line graphs to the bar graph? Do you prefer the black background to the white? Do you like the grid or prefer to leave it off? Do you want multiple graphs stacked one above the other, or overlaid on top of each other? Let us know your personal preferences!

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For me it all depends on what I'm viewing. For pie charts I usually use a white background. For the analysis graph and the analysis bar graph, I prefer area, grid enabled, sum showing, black background, overlaid. I have set some of these preferences as my default in one of the graphs. I appreciate that we can customize the default how we want it, and I agree that it was a good decision to leave the default similar to Version 6 so we could all feel our way around the new graphs and explore what was new piece by piece without having it all hit us at once.

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David, I much prefer the 'new' style - I've really enjoyed the blog and it's been very helpful.



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