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Crash on bad Applescript call

Joe Weaks

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If out of range parameters are passed to Accordance through the Apple Event call, Accordance 10.0.2 crashes.

So, this works:


tell application "Accordance" to «event AccdTxRf» {"GNT-T", "John 1:1", false}


But this crashes Accordance:

tell application "Accordance" to «event AccdTxRf» {"GNT-T", "Gen 1:1", false}

As does this:


tell application "Accordance" to «event AccdTxRf» {"GNT-T", "fakereference", false}


I think this is new for Acc10.




For those who don't know what I'm talking about, this means that if you search for Genesis 1:1 in the Accordance Widget (or using my Services or Quicksilver actions, etc.) when the designated module is NT only, then Accordance crashes.


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