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Bible Pane Became Unresponsive to Text Entry

Mark Nigro

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Encountered some strange behavior today that I wanted briefly to report. After performing a 'Search All" in my Bible Dictionary Group, I was unable to enter text into the Verse Range of my Bible Pane window (see screen shot for panes). Clicking in the pane to change the Bible book merely caused the text I was typing to appear in upper right Search All entry box, even though the Bible Pane Entry was highlighted for data entry. I could not get keystrokes to function anywhere but in the Search All field, no matter what other pane I clicked in. Switching between programs and returning to Accordance didn't help. What did get me back in the saddle was mouse clicking the Verses/Words radio pop-up in my Bible Pane. After switching from Verses to Words, and then back to Verses again, I was able again to enter text and change the verse range. Attached is a screen shot of the panes I had open in Accordance when this happened. Running Accordance 10.0.2 under OSX Lion.



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