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Cannot link to a Photo Guide entry within a user note


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Can a user tool link be used within a user note? Or is it restricted to user tools only (as the name implies)? I attempted to add a link to a photo guide resource within a note in hopes that it would link properly but it does't seem to work for a user note as I hoped.


Any suggestions or workarounds? See attached screenshot for the error prompt I received while attempting to use the referenced the link.



You cannot use links from user notes. I set up a specific folder with files in and indicate what the file is that the note refers to.


Sounds like an AppleScript hack is in order ;)

I set up a specific folder with files in and indicate what the file is that the note refers to.


So you'r setting up a folder on your hard drive for this content?


Yes. I don't have many files that I want to link to from user notes. I mostly use it for arcing diagrams. I use a specific notes file to enter notes related to arcing and add some info about where the diagram is, although it is hardly necessary because I have a specific folder set up for it. It is not ideal, being able to link would be much better, or even being able to insert the diagram in the notes but it does for now. I suppose if you were 'linking' lots of information it would soon become unmanageable but it works OK for me in this limited way.


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