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unique display issue

A. Smith

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I call this problem unique because it only happens in Accordance and it has happened with nearly every version I can remember (it may have started with v9, in fact. The problem is best seen in the picture attached. A scroll on one of the disrupted text panes the text will revive but the background, tabs, scroll bar, etc are not revived (as you'll see in the other picture). I haven't noticed anything that sparks this issue and there seems to be no rhyme or reason for why it hits where it hits. I've seen this problem on other, slower, computers with many different programs but this is different. I don't know enough about computers to exactly describe it, however. It's not a major issue as it doesn't affect the actual use of the program but it does disrupt the inherent beauty. Thanks.



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These drawing errors happen surprisingly often to me as well, though they are not usually this severe. There is no obvious trigger and it can always be fixed by changing the window in some way that makes the program redraw the warped bit.

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