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Problem with Highlighting in 9.6 and 9.6.2

Levi Durfey

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In both 9.6 and 9.6.2 the highlight palette no longer shows the names of my individual highlight files. I can no longer switch to a different highlight file.


I have tried deleting the highlights folder and letting Accordance recreate it. I have even tried deleting everything (Preferences and all) and using Accordance as a fresh install with a couple modules — no go there either.


The only way to fix the problem is to revert to 9.5.7 via Time Machine, then all is well.


Attached Highlights File:


Screenshots are from 9.5.7 and then 9.6.2 —





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It's working for me. What OS X are you on? Is anyone else experiencing this? Are both copies of Accordance in the same user?

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It's working for me. What OS X are you on? Is anyone else experiencing this? Are both copies of Accordance in the same user?


I am on Lion 10.7.4


Yes, I am using the same account, but not both copies at the same time.


As a test, I recovered 9.5.7 from Time Machine and found that the problem was resolved. Then I removed 9.5.7 and reinstalled 9.6.2 and the issue returns.

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It looks like it is looking in a different place for your Highlights. Are you sure you don't use multiple Accordance Files folders anywhere? Or multiple Accordance folders anywhere?

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The only duplicate folders that I have are “Library | Preferences | Accordance Preferences” and “Library | Application Support | Accordance | Accordance Preferences”


When I create a new highlight file in 9.6.2, it doesn’t name it what I want it to be, e.g., “New Highlight”, instead it just calls it “-“ and puts it into the same highlights folder as the rest of my files — so it knows where the folder is.


In addition, the “New Highlights” file that I named (but it didn’t show me) is also in the same folder. So, when I create a new highlight file, it creates two files: one named “-“ and one named what I wanted it to be.


None of these files are selectable in 9.6.2 (or 9.6) — it stays on the “-“ file. When I revert to 9.5.7, I am able to use all the highlight files Except the “-“ highlights file.


attached highlights folder with new highlight files:


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Did some more tests this morning:


Deleted Accordance entirely — preferences, Library | App Support, etc. Checked for Accordance using the Finder with System Files included — nothing was left.


Installed 9.6.2 and downloaded Accordance Starter Collection. Set the Accordance Files Folder location for my Documents as usual. Still the problem happened.


Deleted everything, repeated, tried a different location for the Accordance Files Folder. Still have the problem.


Repaired Disk Permissions -- no fix there.


Restored 9.5.7 app and replaced the 9.6.2 app with it…problem resolved (until I switch back to 9.6.2). 9.5.7 did recreate the Accordance Files Folder in Documents instead of using the new location.

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We were able to get Levi up and running again.


The problem was that Accordance 9.6.x does not support a symbolically linked Documents folder (his Documents folder was linked to an external drive) and we will look into (re)supporting this in a future revision.




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That's interesting Mike, because I am using a symlink for my Documents folder and I am having no problems with any of the 9.6.x versions.

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