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"Paste Special" disabled for Word 2011?

William Wilson

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After upgrading to 9.6 it seems I am no longer able to copy text from Accordance and Edit/Paste Special into Word 2011 for Mac. Any suggestions?

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After upgrading to 9.6 it seems I am no longer able to copy text from Accordance and Edit/Paste Special into Word 2011 for Mac. Any suggestions?


I can confirm that with Unicode Export enabled, and performing a standard copy (cmd-c) from a text or tool, when switching to Word Paste Special… is dimmed. If you do a Copy as Citation from a tool it does appear. With Unicode Export off, the option is available in Word for a standard copy. This is probably an unintended consequence from some of the changes that were recently made.


However, I believe that the options that were previously available in Paste Special… are equivalent to those that appear after pasting (regular) and clicking on the paste icon next to the selection of text (i.e. match destination). Let me know if this works for you; or also provide some details on what you're copying and I'll see if we can help to get it in the desired format for your Word document.

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Where besdes Accordance can one find such fast and helpful support for Bible software and more? You guys really are the best of the bunch!

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Where besdes Accordance can one find such fast and helpful support for Bible software and more? You guys really are the best of the bunch!

Thanks for the quick reply. I agree with Mark. This is not my first experience with Accordance support, and it has always been unbelievably fast and helpful.


I did find that work-around. Keyboard shortcut Past Special-Unformatted Text or Paste and Match Formatting seems a bit quicker (no clicks). Hope it gets resolved soon.

Thanks again

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I did find that work-around. Keyboard shortcut Past Special-Unformatted Text or Paste and Match Formatting seems a bit quicker (no clicks). Hope it gets resolved soon.

Thanks again


This regression (new to 9.6) has been addressed in the next bug fix update (hopefully this week).


Sorry for the troubles,


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Let me suggest you check out Joe Weaks "Services" Collection. Here is a link: http://macbiblioblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/accordance-services-collection-released.html


I use the NKJV in my documents so I just created a keyboard shortcut for "Insert NKJV" (Command-Shift-7). Type your reference, highlight and press Command-Shift-7 and the text pops in and matches formatting. The only wish I have is that it would be modified to operate like Online Bible's implementation which brings up a dialog box which lets one type the desired verse and select the version. However, I think Joe Weaks Services Collection is far superior to the widget approach.


Tony Lawrence

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