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Option click amplify to my workspace problem

John Fidel

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If I am in a strongs tagged text and option click to a created "my workspace" that has NT Lexicons, I do not get the Greek in the search box. Shouldn't I be able to option click and search on the Greek or Hebrew lemma to a created workspace?


To test this simply create a workspace that has lexicons, open the ESVS or any strings text, right click, press the option key and select search my workspace and select the one with lexicons.


Thanks for looking into this matter.

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This is happening for me to. If you amplify to the specific lexicon on the resource palette it works. If you amplify to a workspace with lexicons in them it uses the transliteration and not the Greek. If you change the 'type' to 'Greek Entry' then it changes to Greek but it does not seem to default to 'Greek Entry'

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Thanks for the reply and confirmation Steve.

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