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Search Highlights to Parallel Windows

Charles Stock

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David Lang has a brilliant series of user tips in the Accordance Blog! The articles on using simple, Greek and Hebrew constructs are priceless and open up some of the power of Accordance. I really enjoyed the MAY 2ND BLOG in which he showed how to find occurrences of Emphatic Hebrew.


Working through this exercise, reminded me of something I've wanted to do in other Hebrew or Greek searches, but don't know how to do.


When I used the construct, I got 310 hits. All the appropriate Hebrew verbs were turned to red in order to identify them.


When I add a parallel pane to see how these are translated, I get all black text in the parallel pane.

Is there a setting that will cause comparable English terms turn red as well, at least in linked translations (NIV-G/K, KJVS, NAS95)?


You cannot view "hit words" in the Parallel window. sorry. What you need here is to be able to highlight your hit words with a highlight style so that the style can be viewed in any window. Accordance 6 does not do this automatically (you would have to select and highlight each hit individually).


If you can be patient for just a matter of days, Accordance 7 will have this capability. See today's blog.


Helen, I believe Charles is referring to highlighting the words in a parallel English text which correspond to the hit words of a Hebrew search. He's not talking about the Parallel window.


Charles, Accordance doesn't currently do what you're asking, and this is not a feature that's slated for version 7. It's a great idea, though, and one which we're already considering. If we did it, it would definitely be limited to the texts which have been tagged with Key Numbers. Texts which don't have key numbers just don't have the information necessary to draw such correlations.

Helen, I believe Charles is referring to highlighting the words in a parallel English text which correspond to the hit words of a Hebrew search. He's not talking about the Parallel window.


Charles, Accordance doesn't currently do what you're asking, and this is not a feature that's slated for version 7. It's a great idea, though, and one which we're already considering. If we did it, it would definitely be limited to the texts which have been tagged with Key Numbers. Texts which don't have key numbers just don't have the information necessary to draw such correlations.


Thanks for answering this. I'm evidently not making myself clear, but I'm pretty sure one of you is right. I think David got it. I'm looking for the English words to turn red, like the Hebrew or Greek. Say I'm doing the Emphatic Hebrew Construct. For Proverbs 23:1, the Qal imperfect and the infinitive absolute of bin turn red. I would like the "note well" in the NIV-G/K to turn red as well. That would be awesome. As it is, I can highlight those two words, say with yellow, and then they will be yellow forever and ever in all situations, but I want them to stand out just for the study I am doing.


I'm glad you are considering this. B)


This is slightly off-topic, and properly belongs in the Original Languages thread, but with the [MERGE] command and the MT/LXX parallel module, if you know some Hebrew and Greek, you can find any or all inflections of a given Hebrew word and see how they are translated in the Greek, or see what Hebrew words correspond to a given Greek form. In each of the screenshots below, the BHS-W4 or LXX tab contains a simple lemma search (r






I really don't have time for this now, but I was wrong and so are you, J.P.. Charles wants to highlight in English text the matching words to his search in Greek, and we cannot support that yet.


And although the MT/LXX does correctly show the Hebrew/Greek parallels for a lemma search, it is less accurate when pulling up the results of a grammatical search since it simply looks for the list of inflected forms found, in the list of verses found. Phrases and constructs thus give many added hits when merged with the MT/LXX, which must be filtered manually by the user.


All of which is far from what Charles was asking for -- David's answer is the best.

When I used the construct, I got 310 hits. All the appropriate Hebrew verbs were turned to red in order to identify them.


When I add a parallel pane to see how these are translated, I get all black text in the parallel pane.

Is there a setting that will cause comparable English terms turn red as well, at least in linked translations (NIV-G/K, KJVS, NAS95)?




As David pointed out, Accordance cannot currently accomplish this type of search. The HITS command is extremely powerful, but requires that the versions involved use the same language. You can, however, get close to what you describe by using the CONTENTS command in certain searches. Let me give you an example based on the search for emphatic Hebrew forms.


1. Follow David's instructions and perform the search in Hebrew.


2. Open another search window with an English version with Key numbers (I chose NAS95S) and make sure the radio button Search for Words is selected.


3. Open a Simple construct window (Command-1) and do the following:


a. Drag a KEY element into the first (rightmost) column. Don't select any number. Dismiss the dialog by pressing the OK button and then insert an asterisk (*)

b. Follow the very same process in the second column (or simply Option-drag what you have in the first column and drop it into the second)

c. Drag a WITHIN item into the canvas above the two columns and type 5

d. Drag an AGREE item above the two columns. Under Select Agreement Details, choose Key Number and then click OK. We do this because we assume that the emphatic Hebrew forms will have been tagged with the same Key number in English, since they have to share the same lexical form and stem.


4. When you are done with the Construct window, press OK (or the Enter or Return key) and the Search window containing your English version will display the results (it will have linked automatically to the Simple construct as soon as you opened it)


5. Now, click just before the beginning of the search syntax [LINK Simple Construct] and enter the CONTENTS command via the main menu (Search - Enter Command - Contents) or its corresponding keyboard shortcut (Shift-Command-C). It will automatically insert the name of the first Search window right after the command.


6. Insert and AND operator (Search - Enter Command - AND, or Shift-Command-A) and press the OK button to run the search.


7. If you use separate windows rather than tabs in a workspace, and tie the NAS95S window to the first one (in order to scroll both windows simultaneously) you should get something like this:




Obviously, since in NAS95S you can only work with Key numbers (not grammatical tags), you are bound to get some false hits, but at least you should see most of your hits highlighted BOTH in Hebrew and English. Wherever you go in one window, the other will follow.


Hope this helps,


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