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user interface

Ken Han

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I've been using Accordance for a while, but at a very basic level. I'd like to know if v.7 is going to introduce major interface / method changes. I'm thinking if it is a good idea to start learning Accordance more in-depth now or wait until v.7 is out, since I do not wish to spend time learning if it won't be useful soon.


To the powerusers: has it been necessary to relearn Accordance after a major version upgrade in the past?


To the developers: will the jump from v.6 to v.7 be like other upgrades in terms of UI or more challenging? Thanks.



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Version 6 was the one upgrade where we really made sweeping changes to the Accordance interface, yet even then, the basic interface concepts and principles remained the same. I doubt many long-time users had trouble adjusting to the changes, and they certainly didn't have to relearn how to use Accordance.


Version 7 does include some changes to the interface, but they won't pose any challenge for you. If you're following the Accordance blog, I've been detailing some of the interface changes you can expect in version 7. I think you'll find they make your life much easier, rather than increasing your learning curve. :)

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Thanks David. I just visited the blog. It looks great. I'm looking forward to v.7. So how soon? ;)

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