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Seeking Accordance Software Tutor


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Greetings Accordance Community,


First, I must say that I am so very grateful for all of the training resources currently offered by Accordance staff, both online and via seminar. That said, in keeping with the profound blessing that I've experienced throughout one-to-one discipleship in other areas of life, I am seeking to maximize too my skills and efficiency in regard to my Accordance software investment in order that I might be a worker "who correctly handles the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15) and that I might more ably serve others in extending this Word of Life (1 John 1:1). I am expecting to compensate for this service, and am willing to pursue this instruction via the internet (e.g. Skype, etc.), though I would be especially interested in local sessions (my wife and I currently reside north of Boston, in South Hamilton, MA USA).


If any member of the Accordance community is so equipped and prayerfully willing, please reply to this post and I will follow-up as soon as possible-and thanks in advance for your consideration!


Grace and truth in Christ,



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I was in South Hamilton last summer. I suspect you are at GCTS, yes? Contact me off the list via my website (listed below).

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  • 8 months later...

I offer 1 on 1 training for Accordance if anyone searching the forum is interested.

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