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Zor Gorge in Carta (or elsewhere)?


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My pastor asked me if I had a map in Accordance he could use in his sermon tomorrow that shows where the Zor Gorge is located along the Jordan River. It does not show up in any of the maps I have in Accordance, including the Atlas. But I wonder if it shows up in any of the various Carta modules. If anyone could take a look for me, I'd appreciate it, and probably buy that module.




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I could not find it in any text or tool, in English or in captions. What is it?

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I could not find it in any text or tool, in English or in captions. What is it?


From what I understand, it is the flood plain of the Jordan River. The Anchor Bible Dictionary calls it "the jungle of the Jordan."

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Two observations: I did a search all of all module (English and caption) and did not come up with anything. Not sure what I did wrong, as I have ABD.


Second: When I searched the 3 Carta modules I had, I came up blank. This is one black and white photo in BP-American Colony with this caption: Jordan River, looking downstream. “Down this broad valley there curves and twists a deeper, narrower bed—perhaps 150 feet deeper, and from 200 yards to a mile broad. Its banks are mostly of white marl, and within these it is packed with tamarisks and other semi-tropical trees and tangled bush. To those who look down from the hills along any great stretch of the valley, this Zôr, as it is called, trails and winds like an enormous green serpent, more forbidding in its rankness than any open water could be, however foul or broken” (Smith 1909: 484).


Do you have that module?

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Two observations: I did a search all of all module (English and caption) and did not come up with anything. Not sure what I did wrong, as I have ABD.


Second: When I searched the 3 Carta modules I had, I came up blank. This is one black and white photo in BP-American Colony with this caption: Jordan River, looking downstream.

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The bginning of the Anchor entry. ZEB also has an extensive article on the Jordan valler.


JORDAN, JUNGLE OF (PLACE) [Heb gāʾôn hayyardēn גָּאוֹן הַיַּרְדֵן‎]. The vegetative growth along the river bed as the Lower (Galilee to Dead Sea) Jordan river winds its way through the floodplain called the zor 20 to 150 feet below the valley floor called the ghor.

The zor ranges from 200 yards to a mile across. Zor has been translated

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Why did a search all for "zor" (without the quotes) come up null?



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I did a Search All in the English field. What were you searching?

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My pastor asked me if I had a map in Accordance he could use in his sermon tomorrow that shows where the Zor Gorge is located along the Jordan River. It does not show up in any of the maps I have in Accordance, including the Atlas. But I wonder if it shows up in any of the various Carta modules. If anyone could take a look for me, I'd appreciate it, and probably buy that module.






A number of modules refer to "Ghor" rather than "Gorge," all clearly referring to the Jordan valley. That may help you find more information.

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That is what I did too. I just tried again, and I did find it in ABD, and elsewhere. Not sure why it did not work before. I was working on something else, so I switched to other applications and let it run in the background.



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The IVP New Bible Atlas has a very nice photograph of the Zor and the following description: "The River Jordan: aerial view of the river

post-12-091811800 1305218715_thumb.jpeg

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The IVP New Bible Atlas has a very nice photograph of the Zor and the following description: "The River Jordan: aerial view of the river's flood plain, the Zor. The river meanders through thickets of tamarisk and thorn scrub called in the OT 'the jungle (NIV 'thickets') of the Jordan' (Jer. 12:5)."


I found it by performing a "Search All" for "Zor" (without quotes) in "Graphics Tools".




Yes, I found the same thing, and sent that to my pastor, which he used. Not quite the same thing, but okay as a supplemental photo. However, it's a bit old and difficult to see. I would not call it a "very nice photograph" :-)

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You're right. I'd been looking at ISBE photographs and this seemed brilliant by comparison. Not a very good photo and as a projected image it would even be worse.

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