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9.0.6 still beachballing


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In our experience it's a corrupt Tools (or possibley Texts) file in user/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences. If you remove or rename it, Accordance will use the one in /Library/Application Support/Accordance to recreate it, but that may also be corrupt, and so may any backup made since the upgrade to 9. Any backup you have from version 8 will need to be pointed to the new location of the modules.


I have had this occur, fixed it with a new settings file, and it happened again so I live with it.

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In our experience it's a corrupt Tools (or possibley Texts) file in user/Library/Preferences/Accordance Preferences. If you remove or rename it, Accordance will use the one in /Library/Application Support/Accordance to recreate it, but that may also be corrupt, and so may any backup made since the upgrade to 9. Any backup you have from version 8 will need to be pointed to the new location of the modules.


I have had this occur, fixed it with a new settings file, and it happened again so I live with it.


I deleted all settings and application support files, downloaded everything again and started from zero. Same result. Thats not fun.

Interestingly everything was fine with 9.0.0. I was one of the few users who got version 9 before the official release. No such issue with that one. There were other little bugs but 9.0.0 was really really snappy.

I think there has to be a different reason for this bug.


I also think the issue might not be so apparent for a lot of users because Mac users tend to set their Mac to sleep instead of reboot.

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Its still all the same on first startup after reboot. See here: http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=4888

The annoying thing about this bug is that its on first startup when you would need speed the most ? at least from my experience. Thats why I keep reporting it ;)


I too am still having this problem with 9.0.6 and would love to get it resolved.

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