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Does the FiELD Command Work?

John F. Hart

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I'm having trouble getting the FIELD command to work. Maybe I am doing something wrong. Does this command work for others in 9.0.4? If so, the problem is mine. I have used things like:


Adam <WITHIN 3 words>[FIELD begin]

"αυτος"<WITHIN 2 words>[FIELD begin]


I tried to reverse them:


[FIELD begin] <WITHIN 3 words>Adam


No success.

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You are right. It does not seem to work. The format of your searches seems correct. I've tried the same sort of searches, checked Dr J's tutorial in case I was doing something wrong, even copied one of the searches in the tutorial but it found no hits. The WITHIN works OK when not using it with the FIELD command, however I can't get the FIELD command to work in 9.0.4.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that I have the same problem. I keep getting a message that "no verses found" I was trying to prepare a list of the first verse of every book of the Bible

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I think that I have the same problem. I keep getting a message that "no verses found" I was trying to prepare a list of the first verse of every book of the Bible

You may want to check your uploaded file. It seems like you may have selected the wrong one.

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You are correct. I picked the wrong file. Do you think that Helen can get that file removed.


Let me get the correct file

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I am not sure if I found another bug... Anyway, I did a contruct window, and now, I have all the first verses. However, I can't get the construct window to give me the LAST verse of every book of the Bible. So, I thought, well, I could just add context, and that would at least get me the last verse of every book except Revelation. HOWEVER, that does not seem to work.

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You are correct. I picked the wrong file. Do you think that Helen can get that file removed.


Let me get the correct file

No problem.

While I am not certain, I suspect that she could remove the file. Can you edit the file and remove it yourself?

Helen, as you may know, does an excellent job monitoring the forums. So you could probably send her a direct message with your request. http://www.accordancebible.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.gif


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I could not follow this thread. I deleted both attached files, but i have also saved them to my Mac. If anyone needs one of them posted again, let me know, but make it clear which file or what the image shows.

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