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Highlighting a passage

Ken Han

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I have two questions about using the highlight feature:


First, what is the correct behavior for it? Sometimes when I highlight a passage in ESV it also hightlights the corresponding GNT-T text, but sometimes not. I can't figure out the pattern, if there is one.


Second, is there a way to change the color of the highlight and have multiple colors going on? (Edit: never mind! I found that it's quite easy to do with "Define Highlight Styles..."



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The highlighting is either at a verse level or a word level.


If you highlight a verse reference, it belongs to the verse and can be displayed in any version. It highlights the entire verse unless there are also words highlighted, in which case only the reference is highlighted.


If you highlight words, they appear only in that version.


Verse and word highlighting can be displayed or hidden separately, but both get turned on whenever you add a highlight or search for highlight styles.

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Thanks Helen,


I know many of my questions are pretty basic and I

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Use the [sTYLE] command and enter enough characters to identify the style. And read the manual or Mini0Manual or the section of Help under Doing your own Thing. ;)

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