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Accordance 9 Cannot Co-exist w/Spell Catcher


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Iterative testing shows Accordance 9 to be unable to exist with Spell Catcher X 10.3.6, a global spell checking utility, unlike version 8.47. Spell Catcher system library components MUST be uninstalled. This renders Spell Catcher inoperative.

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This is not my experience. As with previous versions, during the installation process Spellchecker has to be closed completely. But after installation I run both concurrently without trouble. However, I have set Spellchecker to be disabled for Accordance. But in my other programs it works as expected.



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This is not my experience.


That is good to know. Now I have a second error message that I will attach "Cannot access the file "", since it is not open".


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I am also using Spell Catcher and Accordance 9. As Boris said, one must close it completely during installation, but after the install everything worked perfectly for me. I love Spell Catcher but if it comes to the point where I must choose between Spell Catcher and Accordance there will be no contest. I can function without Spell Catcher. I won't give up Accordance.


Tony Lawrence

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Thanks Tony. Currently Spell Catcher, components, & services are uninstalled. I get the previous error. Another clean user account (which never had Spell Checker installed) does not have this issue.


I've noticed the same error message on another thread about the syntax module. I'll work that aspect, also.

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